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Modern Business Today

As administrator of my own businesses like everyone always thought that the best way was: have an Office downtown, modern, well equipped and decorated. Also believed that part of doing business, truly was having an appropriate personnel: Secretaries, clerks, salesmen and a counter. I always thought that to complement my business should exit at main stations of radio, television, major newspapers, with expensive warnings. So it seemed necessary to create a corporate image. Always keep the best level of relations with customers and potential customers.

Working in the traditional way, plating to old moulds of typical, ancestral business and that is what apparently gave the best results. I lived paying expensive premises, enormous rates of light and water, telephone. I had also to pay secretariats which contributed very little to the emergence of the business, but that they charged me promptly, thus not work and even stole the books of marketing that I had in my Office library. The sellers were dishonest, closed a contract and remained with the majority of new clients ‘ money, making me look very bad.I ended up assuming the cost and gave the service lost the first share, dismissing the promoters thieves of course. The phone company was another headache, sending me receipts for month-end overloaded, showing me that he had made international calls and had to pay more than normal. He claimed that he had not called anyone abroad and told me: pay first, then reclaimed. So one day came to my Office a cranky guy with airs of grandeur and us underwent a kind of police interrogation, wondering who was the owner, number of RUC had, who establishing service prices, as the counter, etc. was called As this individual came another day a lady to tell us he knew we were illegal, she had testing, that we was going to denounce for selling used and new books.

Plato Slap-up

The Slap-up meal: A Reading to the confines of the Philosophy INTRODUCTION Of innumerable workmanships concerning the thought of Plato, with certainty the Slap-up meal is one of the most argued and spoken. Inside of this perspective this work wants to take the reader more an interpretation concerning the workmanship, and, for in such a way we do not lock up in this work all the possible quarrels that if can make of the workmanship, but of the opposite we want to open each time more quarrels concerning a so rich and marcante workmanship. The outcome of this work is given and interpretativa form, in another way, let us not tie in them in wanting to reflect each dialogue categorically, but this work wants to turn around of the central focus given by Plato, namely, the philosophical scene that Plato evokes in them in its dialogue. 1.1 – What it is hidden for detrs of the scene. When reading the Slap-up meal is us clearly that Plato argued what of better existed in its time, namely, the poetry, and the daily pay-socrticos, is on these two biases that Plato constructs to all its philosophy. The Slap-up meal this repleto of this reality, I still contend inside of the aspect of the poetry one strong mythical identification. To read the Slap-up meal as if was a followed scene and continues you are welcome in would say seno to them one supper between friends, but Plato since beginning of the workmanship announces something great supreme for the construction it knowledge and pra the philosophical reflection, namely, the great influence of Plato is Scrates, and, therefore it is it central focus of all the slap-up meal that turns all around of its figure. During developing of the plot mentioned for Plato we see some personages interesting as: Agato, the host of the party; Fedro; Aristfanes; Eriximaco, the doctor; Pausnias; Alcibades, the drunk; Scrates.