Archive → March, 2013
Fernando Suarez Director
To form a business on the internet should be very clear that the type of products that customers are often looking for is often defined as do their shopping. There is a wide range of products that are advertised and offered in cyberspace using a myriad of methods, some very disoriented. Then, you might wonder how to do that my products obtain relevance? Most of the solutions offered for sale sites or internet business enabling consumers to shop by category or keyword searched, because design is easy navigation to avoid the loss of potential customers. What is the best method to show the products of a business on the internet? We will analyze various methods of applying and how they affect customers and sales. There is a myriad of products and services offered by the virtual world, but most fall into five basic categories.
The purchase products concerned: there are articles whose cost is very high, so they are more difficult to of selling out. Some products have long, and is assigned a price on considering the effort and time dedicated prior to purchase. High priced items like cars, electronics, and service programs require a contract to have multiple variations, models, and options that increase complexity. In addition, there are a number of services price comparison that are created to help consumers make their purchasing decisions as the online store software packages. The home of these businesses may be not very easy and profitable, but the effort will be synonymous with the next triumph.
Impulse products and gifts: some people cannot leave a purchase or end a session from your computer without make buying decisions on impulse. If your production line fits into this model, your internet business site should be easy to navigate, clean, and give the copy sales momentum-driven. You should make the site interesting and optimistic. In this way you captaras a greater amount of purchases. Products in raw materials: product groups that fit under the category of raw material are low risk items. Customers looking for products in raw materials generally seek to make sure that the article is in the reserve and at reasonable price. The companies that provide these types of products focus on price, availability and selection. Products of raw materials are often low cost or low margin items since they are very competitively priced. Some companies use the customer care by customizing and trying to gain a competitive advantage. How many more traits of your clients have in your internet business, you better serve customers, and compete better with your competitors. Configurable products: A work of computer terminal is a perfect example of a configurable product. Products depend on options and multiple variations. The basic components are usually the same, but there are many additives that will enhance the product and make it more desirable. This will allow customers design your own products that combine customized mass marketing control capabilities. Products classified indexed products may be the most convenient mode of browse and buy products of this type. You will be able to offer more organization in the catalogue, ordering your products through the structure of categories and subcategories. This method proves to be the most effective for companies with thousands of items for sale.
Business Management
The strategic direction of the company is a global-oriented decision-making process to ensure the survival and functioning of the organization. This process must be strongly oriented to achieving concrete results. Ideas are the most important asset of the employer. Train, generate ideas and study the feasibility of its implementation should be a daily routine. Of them depend on the company’s future and that of the families (not think only in direct and indirect contributors) that depend on it. Turnover is vanity, the profitability is sanity and liquidity is reality.
When low demand you can not do like Volkswagen and work loss, even more not to not to lose money and borrow you, then you have to make as Porsche, lower production. In times of low demand is when those who were not prepared for different scenarios Act reactively, running behind the truck.You that you exert your company management must act proactively, taking the reins of the company, implement those ideas you have folder, that you evaluaste in good times, to overcome the storm and exit strengthened while your competition goes bankrupt or ends up seriously damaged and weakened. But do not believe that there is always on the sidewalk in front people without preparation, in critical situations you’ll be surprised that your competitors can do, what is certain is that there will be movements of parts and you do not want to lose positions in existing markets or lose the opportunity of a crisis to create new business for your company. Time is not money time is not gold, time is all we have, the life is long, you can buy gold but can not buy time. One of the things that most costs to small business owners is the delegation of tasks. Although it normally happens that the small entrepreneur is the person most capable of the company, which knows how to do everything, the reality is that if we do not delegated not enough us life to do all the tasks of the company. Don’t talk that some tasks should be made between several people, but that if a company needs, for example 80 hours daily labor to operate is obvious not we could do everything alone, then we must hire and delegate the tasks efficiently so that other people do things for us.
Some tasks not directly linked with the generation of wealth that normally perform the owners, partners, directors or managers of small enterprises are budgets, calculate costs, inventory, ordering supplies, payments and collections. It is essential to reduce the downtime to a minimum, reducing transfers, automated payments, delegating some efforts, standardizing processes and systematizing data. We must systematize and organize our company data to facilitate its control and provide updated statistical reports that enable their use in decision-making. These topics give for writing books, this text aims to awaken your curiosity, open and activate your mind and share with you my vision not Professor but quite scientific and very practical reality of the direction of the small and micro enterprise. You I invite you to leave your comments on the topics covered and your questions, I personally answer each one as soon as possible.