Archive → July, 2014
Data Monarchy
The comments that: … the colossus architectural appears clearly as expression and product of data monarchic absolutism, of one given exterior pompous society, magnificente or megalmana, and interior corroded of weaknesses, conflicts, hypocrisies, vices or podrides and seats in the faranica exploration and coercion of the great majority. The construction of the convent nothing more is of what ‘ ‘ smbolo’ ‘ of the ascension of D. Joo V, at least was this what it imagined when arquitetou such event. Self-centered man and vain person, whom if he uses of the excuse of the promise to santificar and to justify its power in the construction of this monument. The convent, the principle, was structuralized only for thirteen frades. Later extended for 80.
In the end, the convent was for 300 franciscanos. The result was a disproportionate basilica in relation to the remain of the workmanship. The king alone thought about the construction of the monument, for it the growth of the demand of laboring was only one mere detail. Cerdeira Da Silva, (1989, apud Career, 2001) it detaches that: ‘ ‘ This construction constitua a personal dream of the monarch and not a collective dream, as … was the case of other huge constructions ‘ ‘.
Therefore, to carry through its dream, the king did not save half efforts nor, therefore the only thing that mattered was to see its desire carried through. The fact of the convent to have been converted for 300 franciscanos was not sufficient for the whims of D. Joo V. This desired more, for pure vanity and fear to die without seeing the convent raised. Although being human impossible it started to demand that the convent was ready in 22 of October of 1730, date of its anniversary, being been that alone he would be concluded really in 1740, as we can see to follow: …