Archive → February, 2015
Nide demonstrated to size dissatisfaction in face of the decision of the ministry of the environment in allowing the nesting of people in the next areas to the park. One politics is necessary that aims at the conservation of the archaeological small farms of the Piau. A possible solution expressed for Diva Maria would be ' ' the federal falling of the existing historical small farms in the Piau, as much the agricultural ones how many the urban ones, in view of the drawn out suffered adjournment, must get attention imediata' '. (Maria, 2003, p.408). this idea must be a present pretension in the thought of all those that knowledge of the importance of the archaeological small farms for the tourism has.
Pretensions are many, but the investments on the part of the government are few, project example as of the Mountain range of the Capivara really it is reasonable, however, he is not complete, it is necessary the union of some agencies of the public power, in the attempt of if arriving at a consensus, and not leaving that attitudes as of the ministry of the environment, when allowing that slum quarters if install in the park, come to all bar the development of the archaeological tourism that would even though benefit of indirect direct form i all the Brazilian society and the international society, allowing that students foreigners study and search in ours country. 2. TOURISM, CULTURE AND TURISMLOGO the tourism is directly on the culture, that is, we can coming across in them with tourist of diverse habits of ours, as well as we can visualize in our trips the archaeological places and small farms that express different cultures of the past, making that let us perceive similarities and differences with our culture. The culture is dynamic, changeable, however, we cannot forgetting in them our roots, our cultural identity, that is, we must perceive it, in this direction Carlos We read salient that ' ' we must preserve as being one obrigao' '.