Archive → November, 2017
Supreme Federal Court
In this line, if the main debit if fits in the rite of the precatrios the execution of honorary cannot follow another rite. Having itself to respect this honorary same rule she will be independent the value and execution pertaining to legal profession executed inferior to the limit foreseen for solicitation of small value. In this first line of thought, on the subject in study, the jurisprudence that comes prevailing until then is established in the orientation settled in the Appeal to the Brazilian Supreme Court 141.639/SP, where the Supreme Federal Court rejects the hypothesis of execution of honorary of independent form, supporting, in synthesis, that: When the Constitution excepciona of the precatrio for execution of credits of nature another one that not nourishing it the credits that such nature has, this exception alone accumulates of stocks the execution of the conviction in action that has for object specific collection of these credits, also, therefore, of the lawyer’s fees, and not it execution of conviction the payments that do not elapse of alimentary credits, despite in this lawyer’s fees conviction it for a reason or purpose has a parcel of burden of payment, and, therefore, for a reason or purpose accessory of the main conviction. In this in case that, the accessory follows the luck of the main one (REVERSE SPEED 141.639/SP, available in the electronic address). The agreement of the cited judgeship, that is used as paradigm for this first chain, follows the reasoning of that the circumstance of the mount of money to belong to the creditor ' ' A' ' or ' ' B' ' in the case not desnatura the acessoriedade. It is accessory for definition, because it does not elapse of an independent right, but it elapses of the fact of the burden of payment, and there it is the acessoriedade in relation to main mount of money.
Company Development
All the technical problems with this solves partner. In the end, you make a profit, the company gets a new client and also profit and the customer receives a professionally made software virtual product – The site of his own company. The author of these lines, your obedient servant, among other businesses, and engaged in it. Why? Because it is profitable! Because it takes almost no time compared with any work that you just can offer, and producing tangible results. Let's talk about how it all works. The activities of any web-studio comes down to three areas: development, marketing and customer interaction. The most difficult is the development of web resource. Modern requirements in the market of virtual products is very high. Earlier, another two – three years ago, the client was satisfied with a simple website made in the ordinary pure html in a static form, current client is very picky about the final product. All developed and internet is no exception. There are new technologies for development sites, and the owners of these sites have created new opportunities. And to match the modern requirements, it is necessary to master these technologies. Previously, any student who has studied for one evening html, could say to himself: "I – Web-Master!". And he could easily earn a living at it. Now such services simply no one will buy it. That is in the studio to work real professionals. A hire such experts at best expensive, and often simply impossible! Labor costs of such experts will be very high.