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Ethnic Education

Evaluation TipoSituaes de AvaliaoCritrios DiagnsticPesquisas of field, Verification of the learning (test), fichamentos. – Manifestation of attitudes of curiosity and interest for the considered activities and subjects; FormativRelatrios, literal production (poetical, journalistic, news, descriptions, narrations, dissertaes, chronicles, books, brochures, periodicals, bulletins, posters). – Accomplishment and fulfilment of the works considered (individual, in pair, trio or team) in research, activities in classroom and extraclassroom amongst others, being prompt and assduo making responsible with the proper learning; – To respect the certainties and activities of the others, assuming the exercise of the citizenship fulfilling its mediantes rights and duties the pertaining to school Regiment and the partner-cultural context. SomativResenhas, debates, table-round, seminaries, summaries. – Acquisition and application of the knowledge avaliativas face to the general jurisdictions defined by the contents in study, activities, tests, works, among others; – Correct Use of the Portuguese language in the verbal expression and writing and the interpretation of diverse texts (Reading and Writing).

Rio De Janeiro

In ‘ ‘ The writings technician of Freud (1953-1954) ‘ ‘ , Lacan adds that the transference in such a way discloses to the aspect of setting of subject to something passed it how much the possibility of if weaveeing something new. The transference is the possibility to transform the situation current, to establish a displacement of the citizen of the situations. It looks at the novel there again. As in the relation professor-pupil, Eva, the mother, it sees or it tries to see in the son Ana, something tied its past, that until the moment of the conclusion of this article we do not know what it is. Lacan defended a called function citizen-presumption-to know, that it can be incarnate for any one. In the family for the mother and the school for the professor. Requirement: authority. Having a presumption to know, knowledge, certainly it will have transference.

For a reason or purpose illustration, I searched and I discovered some assumed cases of positive transferences. The proper one Freud, Rubem Alves with its favourite Clotilde Owner, to who admired excessively, much in virtue to have seen its seio one when it gave suck to the son. It said that all wanted to load the heavy folders of that teacher. Ziraldo, known cartunista also admired its Candinha teacher. The Been slow ones do not exist, are classic example of negative transference.

Anny Cordie (2001) presents Arthur, boy who did not obtain to learn contents, for force of the exaggerated fear that had of its teacher during the readings of the lesson. Inquiry was uncovered after, that Arthur connected the look of the teacher to the reprovao look of the mother in its infancy. The professor, before everything is a human being, then, subject to the reactions. Difficult it he is, to keep a harmonious climate in classroom. Exactly that he values the pupil and he receives its transferences. FINAL CONSIDERAES I thought reflection on the reasons of the failure pertaining to school, the difficulties of learning, the relations professor-pupil. As the relation father-children. Novel, pure fiction, is confused with the reality. Conflicts and tensions. clearly, taking in account the subjectivity. The professor cannot be the father, but he can be the educator. The mother must be the friend, not it owner. The adults, in the figure of the professors descomprometidos with the educative act, make in them to think, to read, to understand. They teach in them not to give up, that he is possible to dribble the failure pertaining to school.

Chico Buarque

For in such a way it is needed to know on the phenomena. The poetry of Chico Buarque of Holland, that if it transforms into song, is on to the period of the Brazilian dictatorship. Express it its revolt, anguish, at last, its feelings in its way to write. In the period, never it could have been written, but she seems that the people, which censured the letters and musics of this time, did not have culture, nor necessary knowledge for such task. Some songs had passed in the call ' ' censura' ' , thousands of compact venderam at the time disc, and the people sang and heard, as much in house, as in the radios such musics.

Many perhaps without understanding what or to who musics if related, others, however, perhaps knew about what it was. When the government at last, thought and really it saw what it was transferred, ordered to remove of the store, the radios and other places of sales, the celebrity compact disc. This story was thought because when writing on the concepts of primeiridade, secundidade and terceiridade, they are related associates to this question and to the content of Santaella with respect to semiotics. The LANGUAGE AND the Grammatical GRAMMAR have ampler direction, and the definition in the Aurlio dictionary (1985 p.90) tells that ' ' grammar: (of the Greek grammatik, art of the grammar, for the Latin grammatica), feminine substantive; study or treated to the facts of the said language and writing, of the natural laws that regulam' '. It is important when lecionar the Materna Language to know of the diverse concepts of the grammar and its relations, as for example, the normative grammar that says to have only one certain form of if using the language, whereas the descriptive grammar has the concern to describe the structure and the functioning of the language in order to show to the falantes as it is used, without arguing the question of right or wrong, only analyzing the linguistic phenomena.

Moscow Computers

Now referring to specific points, it is extremely difficult to maintain the profitability of their organization, without singling out already, the need to expand. Of course, in this case would actually save on everything. But should note that in some cases, these savings alone reduced investments in some relevant articles of consumption or cessation of funding for some solid articles provoke in the final account to a completely different. In other words, lowering the cost of one major article, impressively increased costs for other destinations. In fact, such a substantial article, of course, directly to a savings somehow wrong, is computer maintenance. To explain this really pretty elementary. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that absolutely any normal working office has no ability normal function without computers, while often has its own network in which the main computer is definitely moving all of the information in this fact, where it is stored in a special base data. Directly with a nelly failure of the computer in general, it can happen a number of negative nuances, for example to the disruption of operations, which of course will lead to significant financial and monetary losses.

For In order to prevent such negative nuances required to make sure a direct contract with the qualified organization to the subscriber's computer services. Actually in the first place, this contract will cost significantly cheaper than calling a masters in a situation of computer failure. In addition, servicing of computers, without delay, carried out by experienced staff specialized organization able to greatly minimize the possibility of unexpected failure of office equipment, and of course, do not lose valuable data. What in general is likely to make real, respectively, to avoid unwanted loss of money, specifically probable as in the example described above. We should also mention that some or company that has a solid IT infrastructure to fail obviously must think about IT outsourcing. Because it Outsourcing is certainly a very large set of real possibilities, with the actual connection, which can significantly improve performance absolutely any business.

Naturally this will affect the profitability of each variant of the business. Mainly to order IT outsourcing can be easily trained in the firm, and you can come right off a huge number of present problems that were associated with computers and networks as well. Checkout to say, for example IT outsourcing Moscow already in this moment, you can easily make an unimportant modernization and of course to save money on specific articles costs, particularly for payment for telephone services, as well as not worry about the timely tribute to service computers. Understand the full range of services provided by a specialized organization for IT outsourcing no problem in principle, any best time on the official website of the company. Directly under it is not necessary to shift the near future this maneuver, because every day without IT outsourcing, this is waste of concrete funds, which had better go directly to the development of private business.