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As stated in the famous legend, long before people decided to build a tower of Babylon was one dialect everywhere. At the moment there is a very large plant for folding about a similar position. Almost the whole world talks today in English. Virtually every one of us, as if the office has no relation to foreign negotiations or conversations with not speaking in Russian, is to meet with management in the global Internet, jokes in English and a huge number who came to the Russian language that will not be able to parse, not knowing English. Learn this beautiful language that Shakespeare wrote, is today considered to every literate person. But someone tell me where to turn for knowledge of English? And in case you will need to learn American slang, what to take in this scenario? Elementary occupations, often, especially significant costs, and are organized in a certain time, but a successful employee free time allocated at different times of the day, and even at night. Explore the free English I would like everyone. But when that we would like and at the proper level of learning, not just a hodge-podge of a few words.

Freestuff English must be good-quality training. Learn English for free you'll get directly to the Internet. Will you need a classic English language or dialect shtatovskih – Courses on the Internet may suit you. In the first place, well hit a comprehensive approach, you will understood the grammar of English, and including harmonious articulation and lexical set. English Grammar, some people seem boring.

However, the courses on the Internet offer to learn English in the Stories of Stephen King or any other well-known British and American songwriters. Articulation, you can adjust to Audiocourses famous radio station Voice of America. " You'll be learning English fun and easy, from basic to complex. When you start to learn English language for free, you will certainly surprise a set of benefits that you will be able to use in the process. Proverbs and Idioms, associative images can help to fill a lexical set. And watching films with TITLES – an indispensable satisfaction: you learn and have fun at the same time. You will be able to sing songs in English and read poetry: everything it improves memory and your pronunciation. Network – a huge amount of knowledge. Explore the world-famous English you will be able to quickly and easily, and above all without pay. Do not forget about personal development.

With Optimal Web Industry Solution For The Mobile Office

Fasihi Enterprise Portal : new product portfolio for businesses and organisations of all sizes that Ludwigshafen-based IT company Fasihi GmbH has the product portfolio for the Fasihi Enterprise Portal expands and offers from immediately Web-infrastructure solutions for organizations of different sizes and for all areas and industries on. Customers are therefore optimal communication using advanced Internet technology and hence a mobile office at the disposal. Fasihi Enterprise Portal, an in-house development of the company, has been so programmed, that tailor-made solutions for all conceivable requirements are possible. Companies, businesses, associations and clubs, as well as schools, colleges, universities and educational institutions can very easily manage your data in the professional content and document management system without any prior knowledge. Internet, intranet, or extranet, products or services to support production processes or projects: everything can quickly and cost-effectively be realised. With the help of simple and easy-to-use tools, customers, suppliers, partners and employees get a personalized link.

Guaranteed authentication and encryption to allow secure data access, Web 2.0 features, such as wiki, blog, Forum, widget that enable global communication regardless of the location. Our customers need only a Web browser”, says Managing Director Saeid Fasihi. The company attaches importance to the determination that it is not portal the Fasihi enterprise to a mass product. Fasihi: Each customer and each project has its own objectives and priorities. Our special strength is that we always individually can respond. What sets us apart from open source products or mass produced by software giant.” Company Fasihi GmbH: Fasihi GmbH company is an application service provider and offers a flexible for companies of different sizes and sectors, public bodies, associations Not Acceptable!

Housing Tax Deductions

You have purchased a room or apartment? Want to return the money back? Our legislation allows this. We are talking about getting a tax deduction. Two types of tax credit there are two variety of tax deduction. The first provides pp. 1, No. 1, Art.

220 of the Tax Code. According to this norm the taxpayer is entitled to receive property tax deduction in the amount received in the fiscal period from the sale of housing, cottages, garden houses, plots of land owned by the taxpayer less than three years but not exceeding a total of 1 million rubles. The second type of tax deduction provided for paragraphs 2, 1, Art. 220 of the Tax Code. In accordance with the This norm is also a taxpayer is entitled to receive property tax deduction in the amount spent on new construction or purchase of housing or shares (stakes) in them, in the amount of actual costs, as well as in the amount directed to repay the interest on the trust loans (credits).

What costs are included in the tax deduction? When building or buying a house in the tax deduction may be included: the cost of buying a house (including the uncompleted), expenditure on development of construction documents for the purchase of construction materials and payment of the construction and decoration, the cost of connecting to the networks or creation of autonomous sources of electricity, water and gas. When buying an apartment in the tax deduction may include the cost of buying an apartment or rights to an apartment in a newly built house, the cost of acquisition of finishing materials and activities related to finishing the apartment. What documents are needed? A tax deduction is available to the taxpayer a written statement of the taxpayer, the payment documents processed in the established order and confirming payment of the cash flows produced by the taxpayer for expenses (receipts for pay-slips, bank statements on the transfer of funds from the buyer's account at the seller, product and cashier's checks, certificates of purchase of materials from individuals showing them the address and passport details). The taxpayer would require a certificate from the employer of the income and paid to them Tax on personal income on Form 2-PIT. If several sources of income, information must be taken from each employer. We, in turn, to obtain a tax deduction ask that you contact companies that provide quality legal services. This will greatly save you time. When you get the money? Since the Declaration and to transfer funds to a specified account by the taxpayer should take no more four months. Three months is given to verify submitted a tax return data for a month – to transfer money from the Treasury. Property tax deduction associated with the purchase of housing, available to citizens only once in his life. Statute of limitations for filing an application for property tax deduction does not. If the total annual salary does not cover the amount owed to the tax deductions, you can transfer them the following year.

Supreme Court

Buyers of construction services actually become a hostages, since the agreements concluded with construction companies often do not provide accurate Completion dates. Thus, unscrupulous developers are trying (and often successfully) to protect themselves from possible claims from customers. In this clear legislation that would set rules games, no. It is true that in 2002 a review of judicial practice the Supreme Court, which equates treaties providing investing citizens in the construction of their own homes in an apartment house to contract agreement. A contractual agreement falls under the Law “On Protection of Consumers’ Rights, which states that if the contractor does not comply with delivery times, the consumer has the right to claim compensation (3% of the cost Order for each day of delay, but not greater than the total order value). By this but for the contract must specify the exact date of delivery at home, but because the potential buyer in the contract should insist on making the item in the contract.

By law, the developer has the right to extend the period specified in the contract, but for this he must obtain the consent of the buyer. 2. The quality of the housing. Today, virtually all houses shall only bearing walls, sometimes even without a connected public networks. And for the rest of the installation with the customer requires an additional fee. Before the advent of the Supreme Court review of the builders clearly defined laws and there was no need to if the demand is huge mud flats, they can sell on any contracts, clients are always there. There is in it and “merit” of its citizens.

Of course, ordinary people do not necessarily thorough understanding of the specific housing construction or calculate when the apartment can be profitable to sell. Most people buy an apartment for living. But one should not forget about their interests and ultimately, each customer is planning to enter the bought an apartment if it is written in the contract, and the delay can greatly disrupt his plans. So, it is imperative to protect their interests. And this may help, first, tentative inquiries about construction company (when and where she built a house, whether a claim, etc.), and secondly, the understanding that there is no buyer for the developers, and vice versa. Therefore, the last word must always remain a customer.

Spanish Government

In addition, the lobby of the Peruvian merchants apart an attempt to don Manuel Frias, Attorney-general of the provinces of the silver, by the Crown to obtain Spanish an authorization to make Buenos Aires traded with Brazil and Spain. For the above mentioned reasons, the action taken by Cevallos in 1777 September cracked the efforts of Peruvian merchants by strangling the commercial life of the port of Buenos Aires, which was born and grown from smuggling and the link with Britain. Classical historians emphasize that the fall of the Junta of Seville in the hands of Napoleon was the trigger that Mariano Moreno and Cornelio Saavedra took advantage to drive the movement of May. From the 14th until the 25th of this month, in 1810, a series of events that ended with the appointment of the Government without the viceroy occurred: the first Board.

River Plate historians could never finalize the debate on what were the ideas and motivations which inspired notables from Buenos Aires to express the patriotic cry in that revolutionary day of May 25, 1810. Between stories of professionals, military, masons, smugglers, Jesuits newly expelled, the Argentines were forming a romantic idea of what happened in the Cabildo Abierto (which was not so democratic, rather was oligarchic), because only were summoned to the Assembly those who had properties, while the village was waiting outside the plaza. The majority agrees that the revolutionary trigger was not more than the fall of Spain in the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte and detract from other possible influences that yes they played prominent roles in the struggles against the Spanish Royal troops and national organization. It is officially defined that began the week of May 14 with the arrival to the port of Buenos Aires boat Misletoe, English flag, bringing fresh news of the old continent. The newspapers of time, wrote that the Board of Sevilla, last Spanish Government agency fell into the hands of Bonaparte which went on to govern much of the Iberian territory..