Archive → September, 2019
on 24.01.2011 in the old paper factory Ebertsheim/Pfalz in Germany currently introduces a system of small loans to people who want to set up a business in it. For the Foundation to make self-employment and unemployment out for new services in the region for the region the public KfW called a micro fund SME Bank, to make small loans, usually not granted by banks. At the beginning of the year 2011 we will open the microfinance-shop in Ebertsheim in the business environment of the Ecofonds shop. The shop will comprise three divisions: small loans to start-up companies equity capital bridges for small and medium-sized enterprises investment opportunity for private investors in microfinance fund the concept of microfinance is older than one might expect. The first cooperative association founded Friedrich Wilhelm already Raiffeisen mid-19th century. The concept of micro-financing instruments by Kleinstburgschaften and social Networks has been expanded over the past decades and successfully implemented. We promote targeted smaller companies that want to implement sustainable business ideas.
Sustainable means economically viable and not solely at maximising profit at any price oriented. Game rooms are to be opened here specifically new business ideas. Because: small businesses are the backbone of the regional economy. Guido Dahm