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AIDS Insurance

These policies are offered by private health insurers often only as a stripped-down uberstark packages or are not currently available, or only particular professions reserved. A common misconception is the consideration of the employer’s share. The most newcomers have not enough previously earned to be able to switch to a private health insurance and know only the proportion of workers as employees. Since this is only half the truth, since employers pay the other half of the monthly cost, many compare only the share instead of the total cost. And the employers pay half of which perhaps 200 euro to 100 euro or less reduced cost of Einsteigertarifes for the person concerned in the private insurance also. Therefore, some comparison portals proceed so that they show only the half amount of contribution and point out that lyrically. That’s when independent also a legitimate course of action as these mostly depending on the chosen legal form in the own company are employed and therefore tax benefits you will refund half of employers. To keep the posts so low, lack insurance at some PKV important service components: the costs of inlays and implants at the dentist or the reimbursement of out-patient psychotherapy, treatments by the naturopath, unlimited services for AIDS and remedies such as physiotherapy, speech therapy and massages.

But these are services not offered by the statutory insurance anyway and it would therefore be incorrect PKV, this in a statutory health insurance vs. comparison to include. Who want to cover these areas, can collect however that in contrast to the statutory funds of the police. The legally insured would have to close down this whole bundle of more expensive supplements. A method perhaps anyway where threatened by the citizens insurance demanded by some politicians in the next few years, the is not in time for the “grandfathering” in a private health insurance have decided. You are careful but not enough prior to the conclusion of a private KV or can consult not sufficient, maybe even receives (for little money and for a generally healthy) would offer less protection than the statutory health insurance, warns the Federal Government of the insured. You can replenish such a policy but in the course of time, and at still higher incomes without disadvantages. Conclusion: A collective really comprehensive everything in the car with high health and hospital daily allowance, which is significantly more than the legal costs for a 30-year-old man so to the 350 to 400 euros a month. So, however, the maximum amount otherwise payable in legal insurance for their performance with the enormous coverage gaps currently 592,88 EUR is long not yet been reached.

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