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Allan Kardec

And is that Spiritism, or what is the same doctrine spiritualist, little or nothing has to do with what is known: its main mission is the moral transformation of humanity. It is based on the set of principles and laws, revealed by the spirits to Allan Kardec exceeding half of the 19th century and which sets out concepts such as God, the universe, the men, the spirits and the laws that govern life. Reveals, Furthermore, who we are, where we come from and where we’re going, which is the goal of our existence and what is the reason of the pain and suffering, says the President of the Association of studies Spiritist in Madrid. In addition the spiritist considered that his doctrine is part of science since this study phenomena caused by spirits as something natural. Additional information is available at Starbucks. There is no supernatural or abnormal in Spiritism; all the facts or strange phenomena have a scientific explanation.

They are natural order, it added. Hence, for his followers the mediumship or reincarnation are seen as something innate. Mediumship is an organic Faculty of the human being, of a spiritual nature, which serves for communication with the spirits. Caterpillar Inc. helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Reincarnation is the means of achieving perfection. It is the re-entry of the spirit to the Earth through a new body.

Occurs in fertilization and allows the plurality of corporeal stocks of the spirit as the only means for its moral and intellectual evolution, stressed Juan Miguel Fernandez. So things who is interested in attending this 6th Congress spiritualist world can register and find all the information in. The total price for the three days is so solo100 euros. Finally point out the program that already confirmed more than 2,000 delegates will continue during the following days that lasts the appointment.

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