Apple And Almond Pastry Recipes
This apple and almond pastry is like an apple pie, made on a thin layer of pastry. Which is certainly a delicious dessert. To decorate the cake will candied cherries, but if you do not like are totally dispensable. Ingredients Apple and Almond Pastry: 4 golden apples. A plate of pastry (frozen, fresh or homemade).
Brown sugar and white. 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon. Almonds. Granillo almond. 1 lemon.
6 candied cherries. 50 gr. of butter. 50 ml. of water. Extend the pastry, so it is a very thin rectangular plate. Peel apples, cored them, cut them in half and cut into thin slices, then sprinkle with the lemon juice. An apple compote to the reserve. Cut the pastry into six plate, or the size that best suits you, as the number of guests you may have. We cover each serving with apple slices, then place the ground almonds and sprinkle with the two types of sugar and cinnamon, finally We can decorate with candied cherries. Preheat oven and bake the puff pastry at 200 for 20 minutes, or until they are golden brown. While the pastry is done, we take to make the sauce, with apple prints and we have reserved two tablespoons of white sugar, all in a pan with 50 gr. butter and 50 ml. water, heated to simmer until it is broken (you can also do it in the microwave) when the apple is completely undone is ready. We took the puff pastry from the oven, the paint with the sauce, let us temper and you can delight with its unique flavor. In our recipes we can find other recipes as well as and as our jam.
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