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‘ Simplify your store’-concept creates flexible usage options AWEK, supplier of IT solutions for the retail industry brings a new Fund with removable touch screen on the market. When the new hardware smartCLICK the Tablet PCs can be replaced by cash, scales, information terminal and kiosk with each other. Thus, flexibility in use is created can avoid queuing at the ticket office. The new retail concept smartCLICK is based on an integrated branch concept, where the hardware systems such as cash registers, scales and information terminals are no longer as isolated solutions considered. If to these work places the hardware platform smartCLICK is used, the systems are interchangeable with each other any. Assuming the customer’s situation in the store the hardware can be used flexibly. Ben Horowitz wanted to know more. Arises, for example, a queue at the cash register, an additional office space can be opened by an information terminal used as a cashier.

The acquisition of non-productive systems to ensure the availability is therefore unnecessary. Click- and -go of the simple Exchange smartclick creates the basis for a new maintenance concept. Since the system is immediately ready for use after the clicking in the bracket, even an untrained employee can take the cash register without further ADO in operating. To remove the touch screen and one-click of the new touch screen is sufficient. A box office failure, a new Fund will be delivered by the postman and is immediately ready for use. This reduces downtime of systems to a minimum.

The retail concept smartCLICK consists of a Tablet PC with touch screen for ease of use. The height-adjustable arrangement of the touch screen and the peripherals such as printers and card terminal to a smartPOLE system create order at the checkout. The various peripheral is connected via standardized interfaces. The module designed to conclusively requires only a single power supply and avoids clutter in the workplace of the cashier. The exciting to smartCLICK is that we look at the systems trade more individually, but integrated. With our new retail concept simplify We are able to increase productivity in the trading multiples”your store”, explains Andreas Berger, Board the AWEK AG. Waiting time at the cash register, for example, are always negative for business. With our system, which can be used flexibly to the queue busting, we create the precondition that queues at cash desks and in the fresh food area do not arise.

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