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The choice of the implantation place still generates the necessity of other studies, as for example, the study on a land, so that analyzes it is carried through it if definitive land is adjusted to the implantation of certain type of hotel, that goes to take care of certain segment of market. Evaluating since the urban infrastructure of determined localization until the ordinances of zoning, as well as also verifying the real estate value of the land, similar of that the capital fixture of investment badly is not used, compromised for one high real estate value, for example. ANALYSIS OF the DATA This section is referring to the analysis of the data, having the objective to disclose to the answers and gotten comments through the carried through interviews inside of the searched context. Being divided in two sections: data of identification, referring to the interview carried through to the secretary of the PBTUR, and the interviews carried through in the travel agencies and the posterior answers to the interview questionnaire. DATA OF IDENTIFICATION OF the FIRST QUESTIONNAIRE were interviewed a responsible one for the PBTUR, being treated as interviewed (1), of the masculine sex, as age of 33 years, married and resident in the city of Joo Person. In relation to the graduation level, this possesss graduation in superior level, graduated Histria (UFPB), possessing mestrado in Cincia Politics (UFP) and doutorado in Social Sciences in the University of Brasilia With these data perceives that the interviewed one, does not possess through superior education, no directly on specialization the area of the tourism. Its formation is, therefore come back toward the social relations of the human beings. It exerts its cited one function in the PBTUR through the experience acquired with the practical one and to pass of the years. The VALLEY OF the MAMANGUAPE THROUGH the VISION OF the PBTUR In the first question was asked if the interviewed one (1) already had visited the coast north.

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