Chico Buarque
For in such a way it is needed to know on the phenomena. The poetry of Chico Buarque of Holland, that if it transforms into song, is on to the period of the Brazilian dictatorship. Express it its revolt, anguish, at last, its feelings in its way to write. In the period, never it could have been written, but she seems that the people, which censured the letters and musics of this time, did not have culture, nor necessary knowledge for such task. Some songs had passed in the call ' ' censura' ' , thousands of compact venderam at the time disc, and the people sang and heard, as much in house, as in the radios such musics.
Many perhaps without understanding what or to who musics if related, others, however, perhaps knew about what it was. When the government at last, thought and really it saw what it was transferred, ordered to remove of the store, the radios and other places of sales, the celebrity compact disc. This story was thought because when writing on the concepts of primeiridade, secundidade and terceiridade, they are related associates to this question and to the content of Santaella with respect to semiotics. The LANGUAGE AND the Grammatical GRAMMAR have ampler direction, and the definition in the Aurlio dictionary (1985 p.90) tells that ' ' grammar: (of the Greek grammatik, art of the grammar, for the Latin grammatica), feminine substantive; study or treated to the facts of the said language and writing, of the natural laws that regulam' '. It is important when lecionar the Materna Language to know of the diverse concepts of the grammar and its relations, as for example, the normative grammar that says to have only one certain form of if using the language, whereas the descriptive grammar has the concern to describe the structure and the functioning of the language in order to show to the falantes as it is used, without arguing the question of right or wrong, only analyzing the linguistic phenomena.
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