Ethnic Education
Evaluation TipoSituaes de AvaliaoCritrios DiagnsticPesquisas of field, Verification of the learning (test), fichamentos. – Manifestation of attitudes of curiosity and interest for the considered activities and subjects; FormativRelatrios, literal production (poetical, journalistic, news, descriptions, narrations, dissertaes, chronicles, books, brochures, periodicals, bulletins, posters). – Accomplishment and fulfilment of the works considered (individual, in pair, trio or team) in research, activities in classroom and extraclassroom amongst others, being prompt and assduo making responsible with the proper learning; – To respect the certainties and activities of the others, assuming the exercise of the citizenship fulfilling its mediantes rights and duties the pertaining to school Regiment and the partner-cultural context. SomativResenhas, debates, table-round, seminaries, summaries. – Acquisition and application of the knowledge avaliativas face to the general jurisdictions defined by the contents in study, activities, tests, works, among others; – Correct Use of the Portuguese language in the verbal expression and writing and the interpretation of diverse texts (Reading and Writing).
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