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Flat Astral Visit

Many people have heard the terms astral travel, astral projection, astral plane and many people believe that this is only stories, the only reality that exists is that known. Any person with the most minimal intellectual curiosity, will know that these things are real and that they may experience by anyone in just a couple of minutes. Keep reading and you will know as. Firstly what is the astral plane? The astral plane is a kind of parallel universe, a different plane of manifestation, in which we enter every night to fall asleep. During those hours, the physical body remains in a latent state, recomposing physiologically, while the psyche is unfolded by entering in this universe, unknown to many human beings. It does so through a similar agency in its features to the physical body, which is has been called astral body. The astral plane is a unique world, ruled by some laws similar to the laws of physics and other very different.

Bodies and three-dimensional objects have their correspondence in this plane, in which however there is no gravitation (characteristic of the terrestrial physical world); is also different from the molecular cohesion of bodies, so that the solids can be penetrated, etc. The vast majority of human beings are not aware of the phenomenon of ghosting, nor what happens later. In the best cases, these experiences remain in our memory as dreams, similar to mental fantasy in waking state. We repeat mechanically the day’s events or project our expectations towards the future, so that we only remember some vague and confusing dreams. On the other hand, if we despertaramos astral consciousness we us those moments in the same way or with more intensity than in the waking hours. We would have a way of knowing us directly themselves and the cosmos that surrounds us. Perhaps now remember and understand better what man know thyself and know the universe and the gods consciously accessing the astral plane can access higher realities, ignored by the modern, but very studied culture in ancient civilizations.

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