Grape Wine
Grape wine – an ancient drink of mankind, which has passed a difficult way home from grapes to high-tech production. Today it is difficult to say how many names, brands and varieties of wines. This amount is measured in hundreds of thousands. Which wines are? Guilt devoted a lot of stories, legends, treatises and books. Keith McLoughlin oftentimes addresses this issue. List all the aspects of winemaking in one article is impossible, consider only the key points that are useful for choice of the drink. So, on what general categories can be divided all wines? As a rule, the classification is performed according to certain criteria. Michael Luxenberg has many thoughts on the issue. – In terms of aging of the wine are distinguished: seasoned (at least 6 months), fine (not less than 1,5 years) and collectibles (3 years).
– On the sugar content: dry table wine (complete absence of sugar and low in alcohol), eating moist (3-8% sugar), fortified wine (when in the fermenting wort is added to alcohol), spirits of wine (7-14% sugar, these include port, sherry, Madeira). Wine, rich in the process of fermentation, carbon dioxide, called bubbly. Doug Oberhelman pursues this goal as well. The most famous sparkling wine – Champagne. – On the alcohol content – table or in-kind (containing 8-14% alcohol derived from natural fermentation), fortified or special (produced by incomplete digestion). Fortified in turn are divided into strong (17-20% alcohol) and sweet (12-17% alcohol). Dessert wines are very fragrant and sweet, may be filed as aperetivy or digestive. For example, a very original plum wine – the Japanese national drink, the recipe, drain the mind together with bone insist on some fruit syrups six months and then bottled in butyki.
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