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Klein Bibliography

King David in Psalms he says that one must to eat of the effort of its hands. This implies clearly that only hands of the one (that is to say way of behavior) must be involved in obtaining the sustenance. Nevertheless the mind of one must be in the Tor. The restlessness and preoccupation by parnas (sustenance) are totally unacceptable. Then if the money is not everything Why created God to the man so that its satisfaction depended on its work? He would not be better to continue receiving a species of manna? Why said to him God to the man who with the sweat of your front you will eat the bread? The answer is because through work, the man becomes a giver, collaborates with the life. The man was created so that its greater pleasure was derived from its own efforts, God gave a gift him: the capacity to become spiritual and a Divine being, egalitarian partner in the creation, doing, giving, learning, sharing, constructing, receiving, connecting with another dimension. We must remember which is the real objective in our lives and the necessity of the work and produce material goods besides the importance of the numbers of our banking account.

How can be arranged working and the material needs to achieve a more important objective? Then taking to our businesses and works of ethical and honest way, dealing with respect the employees, suppliers, clients or patients, not deceiving them or taking advantage of its naivete or necessity to us, doing charity and giving for charity. Recognizing that is God that it blesses to us with the prosperity, although it is important to act and to work, because aydate so that Give helps you. Including/understanding that each new opportunity to carry out our work is in fact one opportunity to spread Divinity. Doubtlessly it is called on to us to work much to manage to make of this world a home in which dwells God, and mainly work very it last to have, but mainly to manage to be, since the objective to have is to manage to be better individuals. Nelly kaufman of Klein Bibliography: – – Kohelet – Fortune magazine – Original author and source of the article.

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