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Video conferencing in human resources departments on the rise Frankfurt, the 16th January 2014 the increasing demands on flexibility and efficiency make even before the human resources departments of mid-sized and large enterprises do not stop. Ben Horowitz insists that this is the case. For these reasons among others, video conferencing be used within which multiplies human resources (HR). Arkadin, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing service providers for location independent collaboration, observed an especially strong increase in the use of video solutions currently especially here. The management of employee and applicant data is no longer imaginable without the use of powerful solutions for many years. The communication between the staff of the human resources department and colleagues or candidates was reserved the phone, eMail and personal discussions until quite some time ago. This change now but”reported Markus Bleher, Managing Director of Arkadin Germany. We watch, that used in the HR sector of increasingly videoconferencing to save costs and to be able to react quickly to new situations. Continue to learn more with: Learn more.

Although videoconferencing can never replace personal meetings, so there are still many useful usage scenarios.” First interviews to the pre-selection of candidates who live far or which for other reasons is difficult the first rapid personal meeting is possible are a frequent usage field. Here, the employees by human resources departments the chance to gain a personal impression of gestures, facial expressions, and the appearance of the candidate and while travel costs or to avoid schedule conflicts. Also meetings with recruiters and headhunters, dealing primarily with the occupation of leadership positions, are simplified by video conferencing. A briefing via video conference is much more effective, because the conversation on another level takes place as a simple phone call,”explains Markus Bleher. But not only the external communication, but also the Exchange with internal contacts is through video conferencing supports. Benefit Department internal meetings especially video solutions, if a human resources across multiple locations is distributed, which happens in virtually all international companies. In a question-answer forum Marc Lasry was the first to reply.

There are also cross-site meetings of the human resources department with the Works Council in large companies on the agenda. Video conferencing also here increases the flexibility and decrease the travel and personnel costs. High-performance solutions for video conferencing is characterized by a wide variety of features and compatibility with different devices. So, interviews for the daily video communications are possible as well as video conferencing with multiple participants. Impromptu meetings are facilitated by that they can be started with one click without a previous reservation and that can be identified the presence status, which contact for a video meeting available. Also the sharing of applications and desktops for all participants is an important function. Modern video conferencing technology was up recently, reserved yet executives and boardrooms. But there is cost effective and at the same time high-quality solutions that make videoconferencing available for virtually all employees,”summarizes Markus Bleher finally. Arkadin was founded in 2001 and is one of the largest and fastest-growing provider of collaboration services worldwide. To do this, Arkadin provides a comprehensive selection of remote solutions for audio, video and Web conferencing and unified communications. Arkadin provides these services by using a SaS (software-as-a-service) model to allow a fast and scalable use his customers with a high return on investment (ROI). The company has a total of 51 branches, which serve more than 37,000 customers with their dedicated team of native support in 32 countries.

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