Market Facades
Both we and our employees will not be without work. In its activities, for example, we today focus only on the private customer, who still continues to build, complete construction, trim, alter. And due to the variety of products (paving, facade, tile, fences, posts, caps for poles) and services (decoration of facades, decorative plaster, production technology, production of molds for concrete), we can offer him and complex finish, and delivery of materials. Example. Our production of cheap vibropresovanoy tiles, which were the main buyer or construction companies, private developers or economy class, virtually stopped because of lack of orders. At the same time, vibrocasting tiles, especially with the texture of natural stone, which is exclusively represented by our company, enjoys increasing demand. Standard concrete fences, that we made, too, is no longer sold. But bilateral concrete fences manufactured by technology grafito Stone, successfully sold because they do not have analogues on the market.
Despite the overall drop in construction market is a great demand for finishing and facades, and buildings, and domestic premises decorative plaster graphite. Due to the unique decoration and its unlimited possibilities, it is becoming more and more fans for finishing the facades of buildings, columns, bases and fences. Given the speed, cost and lack of analogues on the market and, as a consequence of competition – it's a good business opportunity in times of crisis, and a great way at the expense of the universality of technology and the use of their employees, download enterprise work. If there are orders for the production of paving slabs or concrete fences, employees perform work for the production of concrete products. In the absence of such orders, these same employees will be able carry out work on technology graphite – deposition of decorative plaster, decorating houses, facades, walkways, columns, fences, etc This makes it possible to cover related industries, to offer a greater range and works, and products, and, accordingly, to be demanded in the market. For companies that want to survive in this situation, we suggest that due to the use of original products and developments, to expand its activities and open discover new directions in the construction industry. New technology, versatility – Here's a recipe from our company for your continued success and profitable operation. We also offer forms, fences, paving tiles, facades, tiles, decorative plaster.
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