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Letter to the President of the Republic, sent in 29 of January of 2010, saw email. Rio De Janeiro, 28 of January of 2010. Exo Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula DD. President of the Republic. It has males that they come to good! I lament, and I sincerely lament the attack of hipertenso suffered for V. Exa. After all, it is not just that it now abandons in them in way to a sea of problems, without giving a solution for them.
I advise V. Exa. to initiate its treatment looking for a hospital of the SUS. There, V. Exa. case will be taken care of readily by a doctor specialized in its.
Until there excellent, without no critical one. But let us assume that Mr. comes to need remedies? a) The remedies alone will be supplied to it if the prescription will be written in a paper of the SUS for a medium of the SUS. Very well! (supported). If thus it was not, in a full country of thieves as ours, it would have people removing remedies of the SUS to resell them; b) The remedies can be supplied, one for the State others for the city, in the addresses that they will be supplied by the Public Defensoria. 1 – These addresses are in extreme points of the city. 2 – Esteem time of wait in each one of these distributions 6h, exactly being aged as I (82 years and, therefore with preferential attendance), without counting to the time expense with the transport. c) None of the addresses the requested remedies have all. d) To look the Public prosecution service to enter in justice being asked for the reimbursement of the value of the missing remedies. e) Finally, it comes there of the problem solution: V. Exa. it will have that to wait, in any of the two distributions, 60 days to receive the verdict from the Judge, who could be positive or negative. This in my land calls DEBAUCH. To mark for 60 days the reply to one hipertenso with respect to its medication IS DEBAUCH. It is to bet with letters marked in the funeral of the unfortunate person. Of high of mine the 82 years, massacreed for a retirement desrespeitosamente pungada by the State (that if thus he was not would save me of all these problems), attacked in my rights, disrespected in my citizenship, enxovalhado in my character, having that to ask for money to the children not to die of hunger, I dare to make a suggestion to it. It orders to mainly eliminate old and the pensioners who as many problems cause the V. Exa. Currently it has many forms of humanitarian elimination. It will be better that to kill them of hunger and humilhao as it is making V. Exa., and I guarantee to it that the increase of the revenues of ours will have a so fast proceeding how much politicians.
Fiscal Law
If confirmed it will be the fact, it is a crime of unharmed committed and kept fiscal responsibility. It is what ' says the Fiscal Law in its Art. 10; ' It constitutes crime of administrative improbity that cause injury to the state treasury any action or omission, fraudulent or guilty, that patrimonial loss tries, shunting line, appropriation, malbarateamento or embezzlement of the goods. .ou to have ' '. In this acquisition, according to Periodical in fact, (8/2/2007 p.2), the foreign capital withholds 64.9% of action (the vote does not have right, but it has of profits, that are the essential). The remaining portion conquest with the time, the status of ' ' multinacional' '.
The privatization, according to Leaf Online, 07/2007, is considered the greater case of corruption of history of the humanity. According to particular research, only Carajs, that had forecast of exploration per 400 years, – today fell for 200 due the speed and magnifying as the company is acting, valley more than US$ 1 trillion (after all, is 200 years of mineral exploration night and day! With revesamento of turns between the employees of the company. The Roman empire was condemned by bad polticosque, pledged in you intrigue and ganncias palacianas, had neglected of responsible bordering garrisons during centuries for keeping the Barbarians in the distance. Already in the case of the Brazilian Republic, the persistence in the corruption, it intrigues intern for the power transitrioe infiltrations of international interests on the national wealth it is a trend of ' ' risco' ' it saw ' ' lobismo' ' – politician of expropriation of our wealth. This is an ALERT one! WHO IS WITH THE PROFIT OF THE VALLEY? 64.90% Shareholding foreigners 31.60% shareholding Brazilians 3.3% – Participation of the government Source: Brazil in fact, 09/2007. CONSEQUNCIA OF THE PRIVATIZATIONS Social tensions, misalignment and conflicts in the Carajs region where if it locates the biggest ore reserve of iron of the world.
Thomas Jefferson
The theory of the social contract, in accordance with its three main formuladores, already cited Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, if basea where the rights of the individual are natural and that, in the nature state, all the men are titular of all the rights. The first declaration of the human rights of the modern time is the Declaration of the Rights of Virginia of 12 of June of 1776, written for George Mason and proclaimed for the Convention of Virginia. This great measure influenced Thomas Jefferson in the declaration of the human rights that if exists in the Declaration of the Independence of the United States of America of 4 of July of 1776, as well as also influenced the French National Assembly in its declaration, the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen of 1789 this last one defined the individual and collective right of the people. Since the birth of the Organization of United Nations in 1945, the concept of human rights if has universalizado, reaching a great importance in international the legal culture. In 10 of December of 1948 the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights was adopted and proclaimed for the General meeting of United Nations in its Resolution 217 (III), as reply to the horrors of World War II and as attentive to seat the bases of the new international order that appeared behind the armistice.
Coincidence or not, Universal Declaration of the Human Rights was proclaimed in the same year of the announcement of the state of Israel.A is one of basic documents of United Nations and was signed in 1948. In it, the rights are enumerated that all the human beings possess. Later they had been approved numerous treated international on the substance, among which if they detach the International Pacts of Human Rights of 1966, and had been servant numerous devices for its promotion and guarantee. Some ConsideraesConsiderando that the disdain and the disrespect for the human rights had resulted in barbarous acts that had offended the conscience of the Humanity and that the advent of a world where the all enjoy of freedom and belief, freedom of speech to live the safe one of the fear and the necessity it was proclaimed as the highest aspiration of being common human being, Considering to be essential that the human rights are protected by the empire of the law, so that the human being is not compelled, as last resource, to the rebellion against the tyranny and oppression, Considering that the peoples of had United Nations reaffirmed, in the Letter of the ONU, its faith in the basic human rights, the dignity and the value of the human being and in the equality of rights between men and women, and that they had decided to promote the social progress and better conditions of life in ampler freedom, Considering that State-Member if had compromised to promote, in cooperation with United Nations, the universal respect to the rights and freedoms basic human beings and the observance of these rights and freedoms, National Day of the Rights Human beings (Portugal) the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal, recognizing the importance of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Man, a Resolution approved in 1998 in which it institutes that day 10 of December passes to be considered the National Day of the Human Rights.