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Preferential Price

“” macmon starter kits for the network access protection can flexibly grow with the macmon secure GmbH has the basic Starter Kit “and Starter Kit network bundle” two special packages of NAC system laced macmon, offer companies an easy entry into the access protection of their networks. These solutions are offered at a discounted rate and can be expanded at a later date, flexibly for larger networks. Hereby, organizations with a network size of at least 1,000 nodes are addressed. Due to the special conditions, customers can take only once each time the starter kits to complete. Douglas Oberhelman may not feel the same. Companies get through these offers the opportunity to develop without having to start direct complex projects a low risk and cost-effectively into the NAC world”describes the benefits macmon secure Managing Director Christian Bucker. For example, it is conceivable to recommend, first use the NAC system for a limited range of network and access protection later successively to transfer to other areas.

Behind the macmon solution is a modern network access control technology, which ensures a low-cost implementation and administration with their intelligent approach. It caters to the individual security requirements of the organization easily, also is characterized by a distinctive user experience. The basic version of the Starter Kit includes the two modules of macmon NAC”and virtual appliance”. The NAC system protects the enterprise network from unapproved devices on the LAN and Wi-Fi. It can be implemented without changes to the network infrastructure and also offers an always updates IT inventory management. The virtual appliance is the system for virtual environments and must be imported only under VMware or HyperV, all necessary components and modules preinstalled for this already. The second entry solution network bundle”contains additional modules of the system components in the basic version.

This includes macmon Advanced security”with an intelligent combination of various technologies that protect from attacks of any kind. So, for example, man-the-middle are recognized by the central instance of security attacks such as ARP Spoofing and ARP poisoning and prevents. The more module VLAN Manager”allows a segmentation of the network regardless its physical structure. This reduces the burden of broadcast in the individual segments, and supports security concepts by the different areas are isolated from each other. In addition, this Starter Kit includes the standard IEE 802.1 X to authenticate various properties such as the MAC address, user name/password or certificate can be associated with your use.

Managing Director

Video conferencing in human resources departments on the rise Frankfurt, the 16th January 2014 the increasing demands on flexibility and efficiency make even before the human resources departments of mid-sized and large enterprises do not stop. Ben Horowitz insists that this is the case. For these reasons among others, video conferencing be used within which multiplies human resources (HR). Arkadin, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing service providers for location independent collaboration, observed an especially strong increase in the use of video solutions currently especially here. The management of employee and applicant data is no longer imaginable without the use of powerful solutions for many years. The communication between the staff of the human resources department and colleagues or candidates was reserved the phone, eMail and personal discussions until quite some time ago. This change now but”reported Markus Bleher, Managing Director of Arkadin Germany. We watch, that used in the HR sector of increasingly videoconferencing to save costs and to be able to react quickly to new situations. Continue to learn more with: Learn more.

Although videoconferencing can never replace personal meetings, so there are still many useful usage scenarios.” First interviews to the pre-selection of candidates who live far or which for other reasons is difficult the first rapid personal meeting is possible are a frequent usage field. Here, the employees by human resources departments the chance to gain a personal impression of gestures, facial expressions, and the appearance of the candidate and while travel costs or to avoid schedule conflicts. Also meetings with recruiters and headhunters, dealing primarily with the occupation of leadership positions, are simplified by video conferencing. A briefing via video conference is much more effective, because the conversation on another level takes place as a simple phone call,”explains Markus Bleher. But not only the external communication, but also the Exchange with internal contacts is through video conferencing supports. Benefit Department internal meetings especially video solutions, if a human resources across multiple locations is distributed, which happens in virtually all international companies. In a question-answer forum Marc Lasry was the first to reply.

There are also cross-site meetings of the human resources department with the Works Council in large companies on the agenda. Video conferencing also here increases the flexibility and decrease the travel and personnel costs. High-performance solutions for video conferencing is characterized by a wide variety of features and compatibility with different devices. So, interviews for the daily video communications are possible as well as video conferencing with multiple participants. Impromptu meetings are facilitated by that they can be started with one click without a previous reservation and that can be identified the presence status, which contact for a video meeting available. Also the sharing of applications and desktops for all participants is an important function. Modern video conferencing technology was up recently, reserved yet executives and boardrooms. But there is cost effective and at the same time high-quality solutions that make videoconferencing available for virtually all employees,”summarizes Markus Bleher finally. Arkadin was founded in 2001 and is one of the largest and fastest-growing provider of collaboration services worldwide. To do this, Arkadin provides a comprehensive selection of remote solutions for audio, video and Web conferencing and unified communications. Arkadin provides these services by using a SaS (software-as-a-service) model to allow a fast and scalable use his customers with a high return on investment (ROI). The company has a total of 51 branches, which serve more than 37,000 customers with their dedicated team of native support in 32 countries.


“New to Mac: use Intrexx to create database-driven Web applications and intranets of FileMaker has been by Apple users mainly” used to create database-backed applications, the software manufacturer introduces now currently its already very successful on other platforms Intrexx solution in a separate version for the Mac United planet to CeBIT. With Intrexx, the Freiburger of the Mac community portals allow the creation of Web-based enterprise of process optimizing business applications and complete. And this even for mobile devices. Freiburg, 24 February 2011 so far existed in the Apple environment just a few tools on the market, with which Mac users were able to create database-driven applications. Usually, of the eponymous Apple subsidiary FileMaker was used for this mostly. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Sergey Brin by clicking through. Now the Freiburg software producer has published a United planet, software specifically designed portals for the creation of Web applications and Enterprise: with the portal software Intrexx for Mac OS can be even powerful Create portals for the Apple computer Web applications and complete enterprise – with just a few mouse clicks and no programming required.

This makes possible the graphical user interface of the portal software: drag & drop the prefabricated components of an application in the work area be moved and there arranged according to your needs. In this way, the creation of a business application is a no-brainer. Mobile applications generate with Intrexx with just a few mouse clicks. Additional information at Starbucks supports this article. Also graphical process designer of the software, the applications can be linked together and operational workflows with a mouse click into electronic workflows. As a result, it is possible not only to accelerate them, but also to simplify. So, a complete corporate portal can be created in the blink of an eye, which manages information and operational processes automated control. By the ease of use of the software, this can be made in most cases by the own Department.


‘ Simplify your store’-concept creates flexible usage options AWEK, supplier of IT solutions for the retail industry brings a new Fund with removable touch screen on the market. When the new hardware smartCLICK the Tablet PCs can be replaced by cash, scales, information terminal and kiosk with each other. Thus, flexibility in use is created can avoid queuing at the ticket office. The new retail concept smartCLICK is based on an integrated branch concept, where the hardware systems such as cash registers, scales and information terminals are no longer as isolated solutions considered. If to these work places the hardware platform smartCLICK is used, the systems are interchangeable with each other any. Assuming the customer’s situation in the store the hardware can be used flexibly. Ben Horowitz wanted to know more. Arises, for example, a queue at the cash register, an additional office space can be opened by an information terminal used as a cashier.

The acquisition of non-productive systems to ensure the availability is therefore unnecessary. Click- and -go of the simple Exchange smartclick creates the basis for a new maintenance concept. Since the system is immediately ready for use after the clicking in the bracket, even an untrained employee can take the cash register without further ADO in operating. To remove the touch screen and one-click of the new touch screen is sufficient. A box office failure, a new Fund will be delivered by the postman and is immediately ready for use. This reduces downtime of systems to a minimum.

The retail concept smartCLICK consists of a Tablet PC with touch screen for ease of use. The height-adjustable arrangement of the touch screen and the peripherals such as printers and card terminal to a smartPOLE system create order at the checkout. The various peripheral is connected via standardized interfaces. The module designed to conclusively requires only a single power supply and avoids clutter in the workplace of the cashier. The exciting to smartCLICK is that we look at the systems trade more individually, but integrated. With our new retail concept simplify We are able to increase productivity in the trading multiples”your store”, explains Andreas Berger, Board the AWEK AG. Waiting time at the cash register, for example, are always negative for business. With our system, which can be used flexibly to the queue busting, we create the precondition that queues at cash desks and in the fresh food area do not arise.

EAM Keeps Costs And Complexity Under Control

First results of the SOA-lab workshops construction management the task flexibly to design complex application environments to be able to react quickly to changing requirements of the business, can be accomplished only with a modern IT architecture management. So has the SOA innovation lab in January 2010 a working group called, which should shed light on the different facets of the IT development management and present the findings to the members. Andreessen Horowitz describes an additional similar source. After five workshop sessions, the Working Group communicated now first results. Today’s application landscapes are grown generally over several decades. Other leaders such as mozes victor konig offer similar insights. Long term needs of the Organization were not sufficiently taken into account in early and often in later growth phases. Only with exceeding a certain threshold of complexity the topic for everyone involved is visible”, explains Workstreamleiter Falk Neubauer, IT architect, Suva. We want to achieve with EAM, that we make the application landscapes sufficiently flexible, the Organization needs of our company to be able to permanently meet.” The workstream is focused mainly on the following topics: representation of construction management, measurement and evaluation and planning process and roadmap. The visualization is one of the central means of communication, to illustrate the different target groups such as management, Department and IT complexity.

The applications range from white or hotspot analysis about the appearance of the technology portfolio to the classical development matrix. Certain forms of representation have already established itself and gradually be expanded in companies. So a domain map describes the technical architecture of the reference in its basic form, but can be used also for the assessment of the project portfolio by adding information. The use of a simple visual language established promotes understanding. Thus complicated issues can be communicated target”, recommends Neubauer. Was examined in the subject measuring and evaluating where measurement can help effectively the tasks of the IT development management. Possible fields of application include: identification of weaknesses in the existing IT landscape, measurable criteria for variant decisions or measures to ensure the sustainability of measures.

Mobile Cash – Benefits For You And Your Customers

Mobile cash registers – the small, powerful helpers Kehlbach, 01.02.2011 – in a few weeks it goes again the weather is better for the first time again starts the high season in the outdoor hospitality industry. Whether on the terrace, in the beer garden or the ice cream you serve your customers faster and more efficiently. Thanks to the mobile checkout solutions from PosBill, you and your staff need to learn no second system. The newspapers mentioned Andreessen Horowitz not as a source, but as a related topic. The most important functions of a fund can be used just as easily mobile as on your stationary cash register. Main and sub-groups, booking and calculate, that split from tables or all invoices on the mobile checkout so clearly as at the main ticket office in the local. Even highlights such as the PosBill article modular can be represented in a user friendly way on the mobile display.

The commissioning of the “small coffers” is simple the funds by means of Wi-Fi are connected to the main ticket office, you can directly start the service to the customer. You must set up no elaborate data transfers or customize templates. All articles and features your Fund are ready to use immediately on the mobile device. A detailed specification of the PosBill POS software (either for catering or retail available) you will find under setup you now already for this turnover time. About PosBill :, more than 15 years of experience speaks for itself. the discussion. The PosBill GmbH offers worldwide customer POS software and systems to be touched”- for gastronomy, hotel business, trade. Sounds complicated? How about this: A fund that is simple to set up and use, makes it easier for you to the daily work and lots of money, saves time and nerves! Sounds like music to your ears? What are you waiting for then try our PosBill products simply binding off: PosBill catering – the efficient point-of-sale and gastro management system PosBill trade – the cross-sector POS system PosBill – mobile radio funds ResiGo – free hotel software expert advice you will receive 06776-9591000 or via email at the team from PosBill Udo Finkbeiner (Headquarters) is looking forward to your request PosBill GmbH Brunnengasse 4 56355 Eagles b Tel. + 49 (0) 6776/959100

Processrelated Problem Solving

DVSERP is a comprehensive integrated and process-related industries ERP solution for the printing and packaging industry in your company structure to form from a consistent, integrated and process-related IT interfaces DVSERP, DVS provides interfaces for special solutions: logistics UPS, delis print (DPD) financial accounting – SAP, DATEV, carat, soft-M Addison materials management – PapiNet packaging development (data from DVSPACK) in the most common CAD and graphic design programs machines JDF (ixact) DVS system software provides methods for the following processes: For the process of the safe and material-saving packaging design. For the process of a best possible benefit sharing. For the process of a reliable technical and cost-optimized production calculation for the whole administration process of quotation and order processing, materials management and production. For the process of specification and quality relevant feedback and quality regulatory data to process security and process control. For the data of the transport and packing process so as the data of the disposal and reuse Web analytics process. On the one hand is the focus on the development of packaging and on the other hand on the illustration of business processes that are individually determined by the sales order. Basis of development is the integrative consideration of technical and organisational processes.

The DVS modules offer an effective contribution to more customer proximity, flexibility, security, and cost savings. DVS system software provides businesses with complex logistical requirements in addition to the standard modules via interfaces connections to various logistics modules such as UPS and delis print (DPD). There is also a connection to all common systems of financial accounting (DATEV, carat, soft-M, SAP, Addison). Interface is available for the area of materials management a PapiNet. Data from the packaging development (DVSPACK) can in all common CAD and graphic design programs be read. A JDF connection with ixact is also realized. For more information on this approach see

With Optimal Web Industry Solution For The Mobile Office

Fasihi Enterprise Portal : new product portfolio for businesses and organisations of all sizes that Ludwigshafen-based IT company Fasihi GmbH has the product portfolio for the Fasihi Enterprise Portal expands and offers from immediately Web-infrastructure solutions for organizations of different sizes and for all areas and industries on. Customers are therefore optimal communication using advanced Internet technology and hence a mobile office at the disposal. Fasihi Enterprise Portal, an in-house development of the company, has been so programmed, that tailor-made solutions for all conceivable requirements are possible. Companies, businesses, associations and clubs, as well as schools, colleges, universities and educational institutions can very easily manage your data in the professional content and document management system without any prior knowledge. Internet, intranet, or extranet, products or services to support production processes or projects: everything can quickly and cost-effectively be realised. With the help of simple and easy-to-use tools, customers, suppliers, partners and employees get a personalized link.

Guaranteed authentication and encryption to allow secure data access, Web 2.0 features, such as wiki, blog, Forum, widget that enable global communication regardless of the location. Our customers need only a Web browser”, says Managing Director Saeid Fasihi. The company attaches importance to the determination that it is not portal the Fasihi enterprise to a mass product. Fasihi: Each customer and each project has its own objectives and priorities. Our special strength is that we always individually can respond. What sets us apart from open source products or mass produced by software giant.” Company Fasihi GmbH: Fasihi GmbH company is an application service provider and offers a flexible for companies of different sizes and sectors, public bodies, associations Not Acceptable!

Pumacy And Imatics Provide Solution To The Process-based Knowledge Management

Knowledge-based process portal based imatics * ProcessSuite and Pumacy KMmaster allows the process-oriented processing of expert and knowledge. Bernburg/Falcon Lake, October 10, 2008 deeper engage processes in companies. At the same time, the demand to the systematic collection, documentation and reuse of experience and expert knowledge. In part of a two-year cooperation project of Pumacy Systems GmbH and imatics Software GmbH a knowledge-based process portal solution came into being, on the one hand KMmaster products and * brings together ProcessSuite of the two providers, but also third-party extensions available. The NeGeWA process portal “allows already during process execution and monitoring experience and expert knowledge to access.

New experiences can be captured directly from the process application out and documented. The underlying new generation also provides Web architecture (NeGeWA) through standards such as Web for third-party Services and portlets provide the technical basis for the integration of any further functions on the basis of services. Stefan Zorn, CEO of imatics Software GmbH, stressed: experience has shown that knowledge and business process management in the company may be considered not isolated side by side, but benefit from a comprehensive solution. Especially in complex or time-critical processes direct access to expert knowledge can significantly improve the turnaround.” Asked after the fields of application of the new technology, Dr. Toralf Kahlert, Managing Director of Pumacy Systems GmbH explains: in particular industries that see themselves confronted with extensive requirements for process documentation, can benefit from a merge of processes and knowledge. Here we see especially in pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

a tremendous catch-up potential” Both partners can incorporate directly into your current product development results from the cooperation project. Pumacy system has the KMmaster LifeScience Edition already presented a first industry solution. Imatics Software GmbH the imatics Software GmbH (www.imatics.de) is their customers with developments and solutions to the support and integration of business processes and content to the page. With a pure-bred”BPMS solution the imatics * ProcessSuite (www.processsuite.de) has the company worked out a sovereign space on the market. A consistently pragmatic and easily held service distinguishes this solution in a unique manner. Many years of experience in the areas of business process management, content management, and the development of individual software, as well as the establishment of efficient support structures have to grow the imatics team to a competent partner for its customers. Pumacy Systems GmbH the Pumacy Systems GmbH is a company of the Pumacy Group (www.pumacy.de), a leading provider of knowledge management solution. On the basis of an interdisciplinary solution portfolios for the areas of application of knowledge, Process and innovation management is the Pumacy group selected niche supplier of many large companies. Internal software house of the Pumacy group with the software KMmaster (www.kmmaster.de) is is a base technology to systematically develop, capture, distribution, storing, applying and evaluating knowledge Pumacy system ready. Pumacy international manufacturers in the aerospace and automotive industry, machine and plant construction, as well as the life sciences industry is among its customers and can refer to references from major transnational projects. Claudia Philipp

Drupal Programming Versus Java Programming

Drupal programming versus java is programming that are Drupal programming, as well as the Java programming for non computer scientist’s two worlds, which he does not understand. The normal computer user is usually to do nothing. His PC is pre-installed and automatic updates are enabled. This is the case, he should consider himself very lucky, because just the Drupal programming is very complex and difficult to understand. Even computer scientists have a hard time doing sometimes and prefer to fall back on a java programming.

This is easy to understand and completely different in their application and also simple. Hear from experts in the field like Starbucks for a more varied view. As a layman, this is of course then no longer to understand such applications may be installed only by a qualified person, it may cause the total computer chaos and finally no longer works. No matter whether the Drupal programming or java programming is working with both expertise is urgently needed and must also exist. Who chose the area of java programming and a Drupal programming interested in and would like to acquire there expertise which can in a computer course, which treats make exactly these themes. First, here the basic knowledge is conveyed before entered the depth. Such a course is over a period of time and is usually continuous.

In other words, it is dealt with always a theme, before the next topic then starts. To ensure this is the Drupal programming and the java programming are also understood. Who more is not interested in such a course, do not need to book then the following courses and saved a lot of money. Such courses are always connected to very high costs.