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AYUMI Prologue In a time behind I heard a great war between the whole world caused for a malignant being in search of being able, Pray king of the psychic clan did not support it that they could exist the somebody strongest thing, being this being the only that it would surpass it its, better friend avatar. Stopping an enormous war behind the immortality its plan it failed more leaving a track of estragos in the whole world, for example, its proper clan was extinct, except one, Roofs that it was in a private mission being thus the only survivor of the clan stronger than already existed! When passing of the time I roof has two children a oldest strong surprising boy with only ten years if its name became a elite warrior. Leshe, already new it is For boy very strengthenn who possesss a great responsibility therefore soon would be knowing that it is the reinvocao of avatar inside of its body. With the extinct psychic clan and avatar out of action the village of the light was very the targets of enemies suggests seven warlike ones is of common the one of this age Leshe of the village of light one of the three last psychic, it existed six These warriors still more been born pra to protect the village where they had been born to be had become very powerful it are of common pra to be controlled, as soon as as many powers possuam had started to disappear suddenly remaining Leshe only finish it the holy ghost. Leshe with eleven years started to make mission of high level, in weakker missions low-level used to advantage some pra to be able to teach to its irmozinho if to become a super warrior. In one day rainy something of stranger happens, therefore never rain hears a rain of that one seemed a god controlling pra falls goes up the village of the light, the intent ancies is ' ' the three great heirs of vila' '.

Samuel Adams

That, whenever some form of government if becomes destructive of these ends, he is Right of the people to modify it or I abolished-la’ ‘. The iluministas ideals had arrived through the metropolis, however they had been reorganized religiously and politically more radical. Iluministas ideas had exerted an enormous influence on the thought and practical politics of the calls founding parents of the United States, between them: John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. The American Constitution of 1776 said that ‘ ‘ all the men are iguais’ ‘. In ironic way, after independence to have been reached, and until the end of the American Civil War, that is, almost one hundred years later, the United States were the biggest escravista country of the world. However, the place of the Afros-American in the American society continued indefinite, not only the Afros-American, black, indians as well as aculturados, white poor persons, women, had continued to be kept out of society in all country, a time that laws antidiscrimination not yet existed at the time.

Although the superiority of the natural laws and individual on the State, what the Constitutional set of Emendations finished assuring was silence in relation to a citizenship and freedom that were not partilhadas by all. It was clearly, that the Independence of U.S.A. favored much more to the great traders of the North and the escravistas large estate owners of the South. Still thus, the legalized principles of freedom in the declaration of independence and the Constitution had been changedded, in the flag politics of the future generations that had fought for the increase of the citizenship rights. Thus, exactly with escravismo on blacks and the violence on the aboriginals, the revolutionary character of the movement of independence of the United States inhabits in a question: from it, rejected men who had helped to construct the country (black, indians aculturados, white poor persons, women etc.), had started to have reasons to make pressure for a literal understanding of the independence text.

Klein Bibliography

King David in Psalms he says that one must to eat of the effort of its hands. This implies clearly that only hands of the one (that is to say way of behavior) must be involved in obtaining the sustenance. Nevertheless the mind of one must be in the Tor. The restlessness and preoccupation by parnas (sustenance) are totally unacceptable. Then if the money is not everything Why created God to the man so that its satisfaction depended on its work? He would not be better to continue receiving a species of manna? Why said to him God to the man who with the sweat of your front you will eat the bread? The answer is because through work, the man becomes a giver, collaborates with the life. The man was created so that its greater pleasure was derived from its own efforts, God gave a gift him: the capacity to become spiritual and a Divine being, egalitarian partner in the creation, doing, giving, learning, sharing, constructing, receiving, connecting with another dimension. We must remember which is the real objective in our lives and the necessity of the work and produce material goods besides the importance of the numbers of our banking account.

How can be arranged working and the material needs to achieve a more important objective? Then taking to our businesses and works of ethical and honest way, dealing with respect the employees, suppliers, clients or patients, not deceiving them or taking advantage of its naivete or necessity to us, doing charity and giving for charity. Recognizing that is God that it blesses to us with the prosperity, although it is important to act and to work, because aydate so that Give helps you. Including/understanding that each new opportunity to carry out our work is in fact one opportunity to spread Divinity. Doubtlessly it is called on to us to work much to manage to make of this world a home in which dwells God, and mainly work very it last to have, but mainly to manage to be, since the objective to have is to manage to be better individuals. Nelly kaufman of Klein Bibliography: – – Kohelet – Fortune magazine – Original author and source of the article.


Novelist, poet Leila Sabzali toured the historical sites in Azerbaijan. – The book, which is still in the editing phase, I called the "Children Atur" – she said "the North Caucasus." – Atur – god of fire, which anciently worshiped in our land. This is the first book of the proposed trilogy. It tells about the ancient history of Azerbaijan, it brings together well-known, little known and even unknown facts about the history of this land. On study took almost a year. But it was a very important year of my life, filled with exciting job. Passed all stages of the discovery of historical facts, "shoveled" a huge amount of information.

Then there was the process comparison of sources, and then – thinking. Guesses, again appeal to the sources, the understanding that you go the right way, the joy of discovery. The book is written in the genre of historical journalism. All the sources that I enjoyed, at the end of the book are laid out so as not to impede the perception of the material. Consider this research, it would probably be fair from the perspective of alternative history. It all began with Gobustan.

There are many interesting You can see if there is not come for a picnic, and a specific purpose. Gobustan is unpredictable, and yet, going there, you need to know for what exactly you're going to feel not among these sacred rocks foreign tourist excursions. The first time I went there, got acquainted with the materials on our wonderful Gobustan archaeologists – Rustamov and Muradova for 35 years conducted research in Gobustan.