Trade Company
This leads to look for many clients for those few products, leaving to each the task of adapting them to the use that they will give them. This clearly, that the objective of all company is to for charity sell its products and services, so that it assumes that all company or organization, including those, have " entregar" their products and services to clients, are these legal or natural people. The aim therefore, is to be made know, to arrive at the present and potential clients, to close businesses and of doing it before the competition. All this within an efficient scheme that allows to know and to offer what these clients are looking for to cover with their requirements and to satisfy their needs. The trade one by one, is a form of Trade of direct accomplishment, although all program of direct relation are not trade one by one. To be mercadlogo genuinely one by one it must have the capacity and will to change to the conduct of the company towards the individual clients and the information that each of them is come off, based on which we learn of that client and the needs that express to us. According to Saline Oscar Javier, in its article Relation One by one: Way to the safe success, One by one defines Marketing like the existing relation between a company and their clients, through knowledge of the individual tastes of these, its habits of consumption, their frequency of purchase, etc., with the purpose of to focus, on the part of the company, all efforts and strategies, to assure the total fidelity the consumer, that is to say, no longer are only listened to suggestions but she is interacted individually with the client, creating a climate of greater confidence and security than will repel in majors benefits for a company, we see as it more ahead.
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