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1.Lute porseu marriage until the ltimasconseqncias. Either patient, tolerant, perseverante econfiante in Deus.O God who opened the red sea its to povopassar it; The same God who kept etrs Jonas three days nights in the womb of the fish; That one that made over again Lzaro after four days of deceased, porventurano can restore your marriage? 2.Que such to learn to aperdoar? The pardon is the mark of the winners! Conjugal Navida the necessity to exercise perdo constant. Evidently, the soos agressesfsicas and treasons main reasons of the processes deseparao. The word of God recommends, in case that oinfiel to come to repent itself, pardons. Nobody estlivre to sin. All the efforts will have serfeitos marry to preserve it.

Mc. 11:25 – I Cor.7: 113.Superando the genius incompatibility. Andarodois together, if will not be in agreement? Am.3.3 the word deordem for a good convivncia is AGREEMENT, however so that this happens necessrio an effort of both parts. To break domomento of to pirraar , to give otroco, and wanting to standardize the other must eliminados.4.Fazendo to florir the love. Conjugal Oamor can be compared with a small plant.

Irrigating it, adubando it, and conserving it will have it to decrease, to florir and to produce fruits. Thus it must be the life of the couple. Voltema practises of the romantismo; they are namorem, they dialogue, they take a walk, they run away from the routine. They take off time to be solo and they noesqueam to reaffirm its feelings. Both need ouvirque continue being important for the life of the other. Reconstruiruma marries spoiled is easy, but to restore umcasamento in ruins thus not easy to.

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