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Novel Solution Receives U.S. Design Price

GOOD DESIGN award first IOT system be by ReSound the novel and almost invisible hearing instrument be by ReSound was the traditional GOOD DESIGN award of the “Chicago Athenaeum Museum of architecture and design” honoured. Connect with other leaders such as Noble Groups Holdings Limited here. Awarded the coveted award at the world’s first IOT hearing (invisible open technology), the renowned American Institute recognizes the unprecedented combination of a classic behind-the-ear device (HdO) and a hearing solution that fits in the ear. The annual winner of the GOOD DESIGN award will be determined by an independent jury of design professionals, industry representatives and journalists. Endera is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Decisive criteria for the award for more than 50 years are highest design qualities as well as the functionality and the aesthetics of the products to be evaluated. ReSound hearing aid manufacturer for innovative approaches and new ideas to the design of hearing AIDS stands for a long time. The top of the Danish manufacturer regularly with international prices, keep in mind certain and significantly influence the design development of the industry. That we are able always to continue this continuity, makes us very happy and makes us proud”, so Gisbert Jung, Managing Director of GN is hearing GmbH. with the current distinction of be by ReSound a bolder design approach once again honored, which has the potential to set a trend for the industry as a whole.

Among the previous winners of the GOOD DESIGN awards are also the iPod touch, the iPod classic and the Mac book air. “We are so tell us to in good company.” Editorial Note: as one of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturer, ReSound is known as technologically leading companies. ReSound aims, to develop products and services and worldwide market, providing hearing care professionals improve the quality of life impaired persons. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 Countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.

In Germany

The magnitude, in which a company is engaged and the way in which it would like to introduce its services, further limit the possibilities. Exposures that offer the chance to involve their own employees, can be much more attractive than those where only a financial support is required. Starting points for the company’s own actions and attractive options for communication can be more criteria. A challenge is always to establish that achieved the desired internal effects social commitment as sustainable in the company Let. In any case, the entire management behind the commitment should be. It is also important to communicate the measures planned at an early stage intra-corporate with the necessary background information. Already from the outset should employees from different divisions can be included on the entire selection and development process involved and active and also actively engage and take over tasks.

The requirement profile is clear, it is to find the appropriate organization or institution. In Germany alone, there are for example more than 70,000 clubs and organisations, so facing the agony of choice. A local engagement on the ground, this is of course easier, finally knowing the own environment. But already when you in a big city or even nationally or internationally wants to engage, it is already complex. Professional support by an appropriate expert can be quite useful. A challenge in agreeing a partnership as well as the future together is that sometimes different interests and cultures meet. So, the motivation of the organization or institution primarily on the purpose and the range of services of the organization is aligned.

Processes are often entirely different than in a company, organisational structures are not always comparable. It is with great mutual understanding and mutual tolerance to come together and to understand gradually each other better in the course of time, to come together and to find its own ways of cooperation. Conclusion summing up corporate citizenship is independent for each company – from its size – an excellent option, to achieve not only the contribution to social development to make, but at the same time with this commitment an extremely versatile and sustainable benefits for the development of its own business. That means but also move away from the past practice of donations towards a self-conscious acting as a corporate citizen. Jorg Mann

The Profit

The results showed that following values – mapped impact on operating profit after the effectiveness -. Ranking of the most important values: customer and service orientation quality responsibility professionalism excellence trust fairness teamwork enterprise social responsibility the benefit of the values was seen in following factors: improvement of cooperation of company image improvement in income security and development risks of business promotion of social responsibility promoting honesty avoidance of Facilitate the control amounted to conclusion from the previously described: successful companies have a strong value-driven culture. Their basic values are the determining factor for their high level of performance. The core values enshrined as a natural component in all areas of management. Successful businesses develop the strength to take advantage of business environment and market changes from the inside out. Customers in the definition of strategies, products, innovations and results play a prominent role in successful companies. Major feature of a value driven company is to bring the personal motives/values of the individual with the value system and the culture of the company in accordance. Value-based management is a global trend and the answer on the short-term profit maximisation, without excluding the profit.

Values represent a central force for executive action not just for people but also for companies that are in a tough competitive environment. Value orientation as Success pays off, so today’s knowledge. Faced specific challenges in companies currently in the case of change measures? (according to Dr. W. drove, 2008) A process of change can be represented in four phases: phase 1: initial conditions clarify and take into account phase 2: in a good preparation is half success phase 3: course hold during phase 4: success reap through sustainable value orientation phase 1: initial conditions clarify and take into account the existing value basis can not overlook to change measures or be negated. Because changes have a character of threat for the people often, especially when they are connected to power reductions, waiver or habit changes.

Sale Packaging Design

The design of packaging is becoming increasingly important design has become their packaging terribly important many manufacturers. The market has changed and customers have included in their purchase decisions often also the packaging. Especially with products that the consumer does not know, what you see in the store, is the packaging and design because the product itself hides even now. But even with things that are known, a well designed package that stands out from the crowd, more time to buy as an inconspicuous cardboard enticing. “Because if the jacket” already failed and interesting fails, then it is assumed that here someone has made thoughts and closes of course by the shell on the content. This is a natural human process, which can be difficult or rather not stop themselves. This human nature utilizes the packaging industry and so there is a special profession, which is concerned with how a product is packed most effectively, so it an as large as possible Attracts buyers and has therefore also a good paragraph.

And will ideally prevail over the competition. Packaging designer called such people who are always on the track after the ideal product on behalf of the client. Here is creativity combined with technical understanding and craftsmanship asked. The professional image of the packaging Designer will probably in the future continue to grow and occupy a high priority. As more and more grocery stores and discounters the emphasis on self service by the customer, gaining the packaging industry and the design of packaging more and more. Because the sales conversation between seller and customer so to speak replaces the packaging and design. The product attributes that the seller would run towards the customer, must now silent”on the packaging are taught. This is the great challenge for the designer, who is active in this field. There is more information online at Justblue.

Calasan Services

Calasan: ‘ manpower a strong brand. With great potential. \” Frankfurt/Main, October 2009. On October 1, Vera Calasan has taken over the helm at manpower. Calasan knows the industry.

She was responsible in recent years for staffing services company that focus on the growth segment of highly qualified / professionals. Of course, I’ve been watching how manpower in the field turned to specialists, skilled workers and academics. The manpower portfolio is attractive and strong growth\”, says Calasan. She knows but also to the great strength of manpower: the significant market position in SMEs and international corporations. Manpower was on the right track, locally and internationally positioned, as well as a trend-setting, an ambitious goal in mind. My task will be primary, to raise the profile, to expand the existing strengths and to locate the positions where there is need for change.\” The personal services market is located on a key point: this industry is the economic crisis emerge. But there’s more. The industry has the opportunity to prove that she can afford a strong contribution to the economic success of a country like Germany sustainably\”, so Calasan next.

The Director aims to edit already stated future industries consistently and as a partner for all HR issues. So, it is important now to demonstrate the attractiveness of personnel services in health care, as well as to expand their role and share consistently. The health care market is still a developing field a growth market, but when it comes to use of the benefits of human resource services. We will support this industry, to improve the flexibility and performance with new concepts of the human\”, explains Calasan. For the future of the personal services industry and the company manpower Calasan has clear ideas: we have to be even faster and even better. Right now. When are the markets recover, the market shares will be redistributed.

Is It Possible To Achieve In The Next 18 Months?

The Publisher and success expert Alex S. Rusch says: Yes! If it works very focused and goal-oriented and at the same time and above all consistently applies a number of strategies for success In August was Alex p. Rusch 40. At the same time the biggest of his five companies celebrated the Rusch Verlag AG, their 15th anniversary. In addition, four more anniversaries resulted. Such anniversaries encourage one to think.

When Alex S. Rusch started two or three years before his 40th birthday. A new main theme for him to emerge from his considerations: how to get faster more? First was the title of his project how to reach in one year more than in ten years. Rusch became clear however that a year is a too short period of time. Needed once before a certain time, to replenish his internal and external team optimally and to trim on excellence. So he came to the conclusion that 18 months are a reasonable amount of time.

So the title arose for his seminar and his new success package, namely: “like you reach in the next 18 months than in the last ten years. The seminar was conducted in April 2009 and was a great success. As reported by Alex S. Rusch left is never so easy not even fill a seminar, in the boom times. The participants feedback under also confirm that the content of the seminar were very well-received. Other seminar trainers would repeat such successful seminar equal twelve times a year in 12 different cities. Not so Rusch, who is Publisher and success expert in the main profession. Instead this, he developed a success package, which consists of ten live-recording DVDs, four audio CDs, two computer programs, a door hanger and made more. But even at this success package he is breaking new ground. He ran on October 20, 2009 first a beta version, which he 400 sold to customers at a very reasonable price of beta phase. For that he expects from them, however, they fill out a questionnaire after a few months and about their practical experiences with the beta report. Rusch also stays with them through a password-protected site in frequent contact, where over the course of 18 months will be questions answered, participants success stories published and given additional tips. He absorbs the 400 customers in E-Mail distribution, to motivate them and to give them additional tips and strategies. What must you do to achieve in 18 months, more than in the last ten years? Alex S. Rusch says that it is the sum of a variety of carefully matched success strategies in combination with clear objectives and a classification.

The German Research Centre

The product for the time being it will still project natal known as it is supposed to make it possible to communicate with a computer by means of arms and legs, gestures, facial expressions and spoken comments. “Sony would like to with an interactive communication unit’ allow similar”, NZZ reported. An interface, O’Conner, Buxton, which is no longer perceptible as such that it allows people to communicate with machines in a natural way. You can find approaches for a such natural user interface (NUI) for smartphones. Equipped with a touch-sensitive screen, which can register the position of several fingers”, so the NZZ. Software-controlled devices are getting eyes and ears, as well as a balance organ and projecting digital content in the real world”, Sangeeta is safe. Technologies that make eye contact and respond accordingly are still in development.

You navigate documents with the eyes and scrolls to the next page or sent emails. The German Research Centre has first prototypes for Artificial intelligence is presented. There are already devices that work on demand. “New is that especially for gaming consoles voice as most natural ‘ interface keeps indentation”, Sangeeta says. Also the control over gestures should be exciting. She lead to really intuitive use opportunities such as the iPhone. The next big step will be getting displayed digital content in the real world what to augmented reality in the jargon ‘ calls. Computers as we know them today, disappear through miniaturization or hiking in the network”, explains Sangeeta.

To take advantage of the different senses, you need not only rational knowledge, but also emotional understanding, believes Anja Bonelli, business development executive at Telenet. There are currently no mission, which is more complex and at the same time exciting. Especially if the result can be only one, to be crowned by success: easy. Intuitive. Proven. And yet visionary.” Discussion/comments below: NE-na.de/customers-punish…

Product Ideas Become Reality

Inventors are without much effort is now possible for anyone. Not everyone was ever in a situation where he has asked: if I now had something with which you… or if there was only something with which you… Maybe you have an idea of how you would solve the Alltagsproblem at this very moment. But know not how to the idea umseten to or has simply don’t have the necessary time or enough money around this idea to realize and to market.

The obstacles for development and commercialization of a new product are almost impossible for individuals. The idea to sell his idea to a major manufacturer are subject to the risk that the manufacturer takes up the idea and adapted itself takes over. Therefore, many ideas that could be possibly economically successful be discarded again. For this reason the UnoRoyal from the Lower Saxony Palmes was founded. UnoRoyal wants to make these ideas exactly reality. Submitting the product idea is free of charge and the inventor or Product ideas is should there be a production, involved in the later sales. In three Entwicklungswetbewerben can participate everyone in the product development and is involved in the case of a prize of competition of later sales.

However, not only the winners of the competitions and the inventor will get a reward. All activities of the members of the community will be rewarded with a points system. These points can be redeemed later into a merchandise voucher to the jointly developed products cigars.com to buy. Product ideas can be submitted on the homepage of UnoRoyal after a free registration and are of course confidential.