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Familiar Businesses

SUNDAYS SALVIO FIOROT the people are born, grow, mount companies, produce some businesses, accumulate patrimony, but they leave of if worrying about the succession in its businesses. The goods that compose the personal patrimony can have greater or minor importance, as its possibility to generate or not new resources. In this context, of course, sobressai the familiar company who, the severity, was the source of the majority of the investments that composes the patrimony acquired throughout the time. There a great interrogation inhabits: how it will be the situation of the familiar company in an eventual succession? The uncertainties generated for the excited investigation, allied the will of the heads of the family so that it has the lesser misunderstanding between the heirs, leads, to the times to an attempt to donate the goods while still alive to the children, under the excuse to distribute them, of form equnime to the children. Without wanting to enter even though in the merit of this last question, for having it subjective, necessary character if makes that the people pautem its decisions in trinmio justice, rationality and continuity of the businesses, with bigger emphasis for this last one, without damage of excessively. Thus it is that, in the focused case, being the company or the companies the generating of economic activities that can bring profits or accumulate damages such that even though finish for compromising the too much homesteads, if managed not well, are that these need to have a special attention of the current proprietors and administrators of the businesses or some businesses of the family, tie the successory question.

The approach given to the administration of the businesses is that they give life or they determine the disappearance of the companies. In an eventual succession, if not to take advantage the union of the successors and will have individual conflicts that they are overlapped to the interests of the companies, hardly these will go ahead and fatally all the successors will finish for being highly wronged. Costumo to say that a company badly managed brings worse consequences that a mismanaged loaded truck launched of mount below, therefore for estragos than it can cause, one hour will find an obstacle that will make with that it stops, different of a company badly managed, whose consequences go destroying everything that if it has acquired throughout a life. Interesting then it would be to transform the company into a society for action or, in if treating to some companies, to create a holding, a S/A, that would control excessively, that they would not need to be S/A. Thus in an eventual succession the heirs would have that if to join of time that those that to withhold the majority of the capital stock will manage the companies. Concluding, or the successors if join and manage the businesses or, in contrast, only of it they participate, without managing them.


As the positions of the international reserves of Brazil the Brazilian position was spectacular, it did not have space for any speculative attack to the national currency and allowed a more significant reduction of the interests. Brazil it left this more robust and ready crisis to still occupy a relative position better that the precedent. The reduction of the tax burden on the companies also constituted also strong stimulaton to the internal demand at a moment where the world-wide economy was in crisis. The reduction of the IPI in the automotivo sector was test of this. These measures had had greater effectiveness that stimulatons right-handers as in the investments of public companies and governments that I eat if it knows demand time and excellent management as the famous CAP. But until the investments of the CAP they had been sped up. Surprise was not that in a stated period not very long Brazil had its account of capital extended with investors of the entire world entering in our market for the public headings, action and later with the return of the growth with investments right-handers, contributing for positive effect in the rocking of payments. The return of investors in the Stock exchange in So Paulo already in February of 2010 already it was a first signal of this trend.

Finally, the dependence of the international trade in Brazil (23% of the GIP) is very lesser that of other emergent ones as China (almost 50% of the GIP) was very important for the Brazilian recovery after September of 2008. The international crisis of September of 2008 is taking the interesting debates very on the irrationality of the structure of financing of the Brazilian economy. Everything conspires against the growth of the production, the job and the distribution of income. The logical one is perverse. To Brazil if it never opened a so great fan of chances stops this debate and to advance with concrete actions as it was the recent reduction of taxes SELIC. Against the numbers of the recent evolution of the Brazilian economy it does not have other arguments. It is hour to stimulate the taking of risks! It is hour to grow! All the power to that they want to take risks and to make Brazil to grow.