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Play Together

Shopping portal and toy company decide online cooperation Berlin / Cologne, September 16, 2009. Today, the shopping portal for video and computer games 4U2Play and the toy company TOYS “R” US launch a common distribution platform. Now consumers find a Kooperationsshop with extensive gaming product portfolio under the famous TOYS “R” US fire on the domain. Coupled to various marketing activities both partners aim to inspire a broad target group for high-quality products from the video and computer game division. Thanks to the large range and clearly defined user profile, potential advertisers benefit from the cooperation platform.

The powerful TOYS ‘R’ US brand coupled with our user-friendly and functional shop surface represents the ideal symbiosis for end customers. Our advertising customers we can offer a more targeted advertising environment in addition to about the far-reaching cooperation with TOYS “R” US. We are pleased that our new alignment with the profits of the partnership to TOYS “R” US will be strengthened. We are pleased on a successful cooperation”, said Sven Wedig, Managing Director of 4U2Play GmbH. Jorg Burda, central purchasing of TOYS”R”US, estimates 4U2Play as competent support for the Internet sales. We have been looking for an online partner, which meets our high demands.

4U2Play has convinced with clear perspectives and a clear shop design faster and more effective implementation and thus made the race.” The partners run Kooperationsshop and marketing agreement for the time being until the summer of 2010. About the 4U2Play the 4U2Play GmbH in 1998 in Hamburg founded GmbH. In early 2009 they were moved in order to reposition to Berlin. The company is the operator of shopping portal for interactive entertainment 4U2Play (www.4u2play.de). With a clear focus on games for all platforms, the Internet platform goes live in August 2009 with a new profile. 4U2Play is aimed at all Spielbegeisterten of the casual gamers to the Hardcoregamer. Business contact: 4U2play GmbH Sven Wedig. Einsteinufer 63 10587 Berlin Phone 030.330 0637 00 Fax 030.330 0637 03 press contact: Borgmeier Public Relations Tanja Deilecke Rothenbaumchaussee 5 20148 Hamburg Phone 040.41309615 company contact: TOYS “R” US GmbH Constanze Laufer. Head of Public Relations and local marketing. Kohlstrasse 8 D-50827 Cologne Tel.: 0049 / 221 / 5972 536

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