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Senior Phones

More and more manufacturers bring senior phones on the market that have cell phones these days more and more features and are thus also becoming more complicated. But especially seniors unable to cope with the gadgets like camera, Mp3 player or Internet. Therefore, some manufacturers design so-called senior cell phones. Play these phones are confined to the important functions and waive the functions referred to above. More and more manufacturers discover this gap in the market and bring more and more senior cell phones on the market. It seems at first glance to be a gap in the market: you crawl the Internet under the heading “Mobile”, so offer a variety of offerings to the viewfinder. But it is actually a long-missing product or much more to a niche article, which has no future? In fact such senior cell phones are out tailored to the needs of older people: there are plans of outward nature, as an extra-large display, and such the facilities regarding – typically, that the operation especially is simple and unnecessary additional features that make up the Special just on standard mobile phones, such as, for example, a camera, is waived.

The Medion senior is a good example for a senior mobile phone SP1200 is striking, especially well-known mobile providers to refrain from offering such senior cell phones. Have you recognized market-tested and successfully, that it is a waste product? In fact, the truth lies certainly somewhere in the Middle: often blocks just the older generation against such “technical frills” such as a mobile phone and sees no need in purchasing a senior cell phones. On the other hand the usefulness of a mobile phone is today undisputed – alone to an emergency hearing to be able to get or know for delays to be able to say. Why of not also senior cell phones? Just when these are designed so that older people can use it, can this be used sense, but sometimes have an emergency button and just seniors should be able to call for help if something goes wrong. You should dismiss senior cell phones definitely not as technical nonsense – who knows, maybe they even save lives.

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