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It's no secret that the dashing 90's era carried with it all the charm of a shock change of socio-economic relations. As the newly minted state could not perform its functions, including law enforcement, regulatory, distribution, and others that this deficit is made up for criminals, the shadow economy, corruption model of interaction between business and government. Therefore, generation of state top-managers "survived" this period could not be affected by this way of life. Key issues were resolved outside of the economic wing of the legislative field, in the first place, because of the presence of loopholes in the hastily written law, and, secondly, because lack of experience of interaction with business in the new state services. Any official who dealt with or materially affect the cash flows of the business, necessarily faced with the need to solve real business problems within the violation of the law to refuse to succumb to any violation of law. In the first case, the real business issues would have remained unsolved, which would lead to the fact that cash flow (business) has to protect itself from illegal way – crime, fraud and so on. In particular, these methods could be directed against the very officials, such as intimidation or blackmail, which also tried to persuade officials to meet business contrary to law. In favor of the first version of moral values played a residual from the USSR. Of course, over time they gradually became weaker and true. In addition, any manager should normally absorb innovations very first, to, for example, play in the race for the leadership with subordinates.

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