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Veladone Sales

Discounts, sales, promotions – is a special phenomenon, widespread in our country at the end of the twentieth century. Discount – is a favorite tool of modern marketing in a big competition because it makes it possible to ever raise the level of sales. But from the standpoint of psychology, a very common misuse of shares, sales and bonuses into a particular outlet may lead to the opposite effect. One of the the most famous experiments conducted with discounts at a university in the U.S. state of Ohio. The University has always been famous enough rich theatrical program, and students want to follow the pattern between perception of the performances the spectators who purchased tickets at a discount and free. Student audience was divided into three groups – one group tickets sold at full price, the second with a 30% discount, and the third – with a discount of 50%. This sale was, It seems that absolutely illogical result – liked best performances of the spectators, who bought the tickets at their full price.

Similar to the results of the experiment was conducted by Dan Ariely psychologist. Psychologist suggested that two groups of people exactly the same product – a simple vitamin C, but told them that it is – a special medicine called Veladone. He later connected the two groups of participants to stun and asked them to assess pain feelings before taking this drug, and after it. It is worth noting that in the description of 'miracle drugs' Veladone price for one group was three dollars, and for another – only a few cents. As expected, men whose vials 'worth' more, felt much less pain than the group members with 'a smaller budget', although the duration of exposure and the strength of the electric current in all cases were exactly the same. When a potential buyer sees a discount on any product in his head having dual feelings.

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