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123people Is The Bookworm

Authors information from the Internet as a supplementary guide to buecher.de Personensuchmaschine 123people and online booksellers buecher.de network their services. On the search results page by 123people is now to detect whether a person is also the author of the book and what works are available at a glance. Now all the information that is available to an author on the Internet, only a mouse click away are reversed to buecher.de. Book purchase has a strong emotional component. To know which person is the creative force behind a factory, has a great importance for many readers. 123people is ideal, because not only fact-based information sources such as Wikipedia or biographies are found, but also photos, videos or Facebook profile of an author.

With a bit of luck, “a reader discovered even the personal E-Mail address of his favorite author, says Iris Pittl, Director of business development for 123people. With several million book titles, it is very important that the interested customer also as much information to the respective author receives. 123people proved for us in this regard as important source and supplement current information about the standard background knowledge”, says Gunter Hilger, management marketing at buecher.de. About 123people since February 2008, optimized people search on the Internet. With monthly over 40 million unique visitors, 123people is the most popular and largest Internet people worldwide suchservice. is one of the leading sites in Germany after only one and a half years with nearly 10 million visits (IVW August 2010). Headquartered in Vienna each user provides an online person search, with the simple fast, free, and reliable real-time information about themselves or about other people on the Internet finds. The search results come from global as well as country-specific, available free on the Internet data sources. Currently 123people in twelve countries and nine languages is available. 123people is part of the French PagesJaunes Groupe since March 2010. More Info on 123people and downloads of screenshots on press / media questions and images: i5comm for 123people Bernhard Lehner E-mail: b.lehner at 123people.com Tel: + 43 664 439 86 09

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