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Life Cycle Assessment

The management of the manufacture processes has each maisinserido time the ambient requirements demanded by the market as dasvariveis of the businesses. Jim Umpleby has firm opinions on the matter. This new order elapses of some factors that foraminseridos in recent years, as the requirements of the customers for an ambient melhordesempenho, requirements of fulfilment of legal parameters each restrictive vezmais, better management of resources of entrance of the productive processes (ecocompetitividade), little wastefulnesses, among others. Of this form, it becomes-senecessrio an evaluation of the productive process under the optics of which product ougrupos of products that are manufactured and that they are directly> associates aodesempenho ambient of the organization. In this direction the Evaluation of the Cycle of Vidatorna a distinguishing tool for the organizations. Word-Key: Ambient evaluation of the Cycle of Life, Product, Process, Impacts.

ABSTRACT The management of the manufacture you process has, eachtime, inserted the ambient requirements demanded by the market one of thevariable of the businesses. This new to order elapses of adds factors that hadbeen inserted in recent years, the requirements of the customers will be to onebetter ambient performance, requirements of fulfillment of lives restrictivelegal parameters each teams, to better management of resources of entrance of theproductive processes (competitiveness), little waste, among others. Of thisform, an evaluation of the productive process to under the optics of which productor groups of products becomes necessary, that ploughs manufactured and that theyare directly associates you the ambient performance of the organization. In thisdirection the life cycle assessment becomes distinguishing tool will be theorganizations. Keywords: Life cycle assessment, product, with elapsing of the time had started to be relacionadascom the manufacture processes, searching, of this form, the reduction of the impact quetais processes caused to our planet.

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