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Portuguese Translator

NEW SUPERIOR COURSE GAINS FORCE? Translator and Superior Interpreter Certainly, English is the language most important in the world of the businesses, spoken for the majority of the professionals. But this does not want to say that all that have fluency in English possess qualification to work as translating or interpreters. Beyond proficiency in Portuguese and English, these professionals have of being capable to interpret, simultaneously or consecutively, colloquies or conferences, to dominate softwares of translation of legend and to translate international contracts and agreements, beyond other documents of legal value. Ample knowledge of the culture and literatures English and Brazilian is also determinative factor so that the translators carry through its tasks with ability. IF YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO STUDY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: The Course of Letters? Translator and Interpreter in English of the Methodist have duration of 4 years and are, currently, offered per the morning at the beginning of the year, in the modality actual; at night, in the way it year in the same modality in the Campus Jackstay and provides you, beyond the technique and of practical of the translation and the interpretation in diverse areas, knowledge on philosophy, ethics and citizenship, empreendedorismo and the market of work, lingustica, literature and culture of Brazil and countries of English language, requirements for the verbal communication and writing.

Its pedagogical project is innovative and is pautado in the most modern trends of education. The exposition of the pupil to practical of the translation and the interpretation in distributed projects of professional action throughout the course is distinguished in the curricular matrix. Portaria n 4,059, of 10/12/2004, promulgated for the Minister of State of the Education, opens the possibility of oferecimento of disciplines/modules in the semiactual modality until the limit of 20% (twenty percent) of the total horria load of superior courses, therefore the Course of Translator and Interpreter is actual but it takes care of to this it would carry.

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