Bank, insurance, public service or telecommunications provider: carrot village, the greater the amount of high-quality data, the greater will be the challenge for the testing process on schedule, reproducible and anonymized in the case of production data available to make 29 October 2013. Test management (TDM) are essential-tools. The platform Testtoolreview.de offers now an overview of the relevant tools. The test data includes the test case data, as well as the inventory and environmental data. Among other things test data management tools help to create, provide, maintain and update.
Tasks that were manually difficult or even cannot be solved, can be automated through these tools and greatly facilitate the work. Therefore they support both the tasks of test managers, as well as software testers, test designers and Testautomatisierern. But which tool is the most suitable for the respective TDM project? Testtoolreview.de has in the new Category test data management”brought together the relevant tools. Some of the tools are specialized on certain aspects, such as the data generation and alienation. Others, however, the so-called test management suites, have the right to cover the entire lifecycle of test data. Test tool review, you can clearly compare the TDM tools with a few clicks. Registered users can also comment on each of the tools to ask questions, discuss, and share their own experiences with the community. Manufacturers and distributors have the opportunity to enter your TDM tool on the website and then to manage the tool profile itself and to upgrade at any time.
All functions on the entire page for users as well as for tool manufacturers or distributors are completely free of charge. By the way: Also has all test tool review on the issues of test automation, test management, error – and change management, test specification, load and performance testing, continuous integration and code – and coverage analysis common tools listed. The new TDM category, it goes under de/toolkategorien/item/68-testdatenmanagement.
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