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Transpersonal Psychology

Many probably will be worried with the title of this writing that it tries to analyze how the management can knowledge use, tools that transpersonal psychology bequeaths to us. We are totally conscientious, that Transpersonal Psychology still continues being, for many psychologists, object of ignorance or, in the worse one of the cases, of prejudiced rejections. The postgraduate program of the specialty in Management of the quality and productivity of Phases, University of Carabobo, of Valencia, Venezuela, has considered contributing very positive slab basic foundations of transpersonal Psychology to his in the subject of organizational behavior, in such a way that it allows them to not only optimize the handling of his potential in pro of his growth personal, but spiritual. It has contributed significantly in the formation of the future specialistic, being reached very favorable results in its human interrelations, workings and of course in its personal growth. The program is totally identified that can much contribute transpersonal psychology to him, especially in its characteristic like individual aspect that it involves the interest, reaches of this discipline that knows to integrate the roll positively of body, mind and spirit.

It does not surprise to us that it is said, and is taken very into account, that the studies in psychology humanist and transpersonal do not arise in a cultural emptiness. Rather they reflected and they fed the dramatic changes that happened in the Sixties in the global culture. These included the questioning of the materialistic dream, that took to people to look for in its internal world the lasting satisfaction that the success and the material well-being, of the consumer society had not provided to them. One comments, that transpersonal psychology comes to collaborate with the being for its growth, of knowing how to handle its energies, such form that allows him to suitably take the opportunity that has occurred to pronounce itself him.

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